06. DNV 2012 Results Options dialog in AutoPIPE

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, & V8i
Area: Piping code
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group

Details about the DNV 2012 Results Options dialog in AutoPIPE

 In AutoPIPE 09.06.xx.xx, select Tools> Model Options> DNV 2012 Results Options> to display the following dialog screen:

Code Category Options Tab:

for each of the Categories of calculations performed determine if that category will use Nominal thickness. Also select the appropriate Safety Class, this setting will automatically adjust the Gamma value, or enter a user defined gamma value. This gamma setting is used in the calculation of of the code allowable.

 Design Factor:

These design factors are used in various calculations:

Condition load effect factor is used in the load control axial load and design moment calculation.

Material Resistance factor is used in the allowable calculation for load categories.

The Material Strength factor is used in the allowable calculation of Fy and Fu.

The usage factor is used in the ASD check allowable. 

Code Combinations Tab

Load effect Factors are used to multiply the indicated load case in the respective combination created by the "Category Components" settings below. . 

Category components section:

These would be combinations that would be created based on the category settings of this section. If the analysis was to consider every variation of Gr+Tn+Pn+Wn+Un there could literally be 100's of combinations. The following settings limits the number of combinations created:

USL Category:

 Functional = Grt1p1 x (ULS Functional Factor)

Environmental = W1 x (ULS Environmental Factor)

Interference = U1 x (ULS Interference Factor)

Combinations created: GrT1P1+W1+U1, GrT2P2+W1+U1,....GRTnPn+W1+U1

Review the code calculations created under Tools> Combinations> Code Comb tab...


ALS Category:

 Functional = Grt1p1 x (ALS Functional Factor)

Environmental = W1 x (ALS Environmental Factor)

Interference = U1 x (ALS Interference Factor)

Accidental = S1 x (ALS Accidental Factor)

Combinations created: GrT1P1+W1+U1+S1, GrT2P2+W1+U1+S1,....GRTnPn+W1+U1+S

Review the code calculations created under Tools> Combinations> Code Comb tab...


General tab:

The Specific gravity and External water surface can be changed under Load> Buoyancy

Per code definition: "Local incidental - I relation to pipelines, this is the internal pressure at any point in the pipeline system or pipe line section for the corresponding  design pressure, incidental pressure or test pressure adjusted for the column of weight, see Sec.4 B200"  

This dialog provide values used in the Incidental pressure calculation, per DNV -2012 sec 4, B202

Select the pressure Case that will be updated per this calculation.


See Also

DNV Piping Code Calculation

Bentley AutoPIPE