Applies To | |
Product(s): | AutoPIPE |
Version(s): | ALL; |
Environment: | N/A |
Area: | Alert Message |
Original Author: | Bentley Technical Support Group |
Date Logged & Current Version | Aug. 2017 |
The following message dialog appears when trying to view a Stress iso drawing in OPIM.
File [D:\My Documents\...\3_drg.dgn] does not exist
Ok Exit
Why doe this occur and how to avoid it?
There could be any number of reasons why a drawing was not created, one or more of the following may apply:
In a model that uses a custom UNITs file the following was found to be incorrect.
When creating a custom file, it is absolutely imperative to maintain column alignment and format. Any deviation from the file format can result in a number of problems. Example, stress iso drawing are not created.
Update custom units file to have the correct alignment and column format.
Also, with updating the Units file the PCFOUT.MAP and file would need to be reviewed and updated as necessary.
Update PCFOUT.MAP file (located: C:\ Users\ username \ AppData\ Roaming\ Bentley\ AutoPIPE folder )
Update file (located: C:\ Users\ username \ AppData\ Roaming\ Bentley\ AutoPIPE folder )
AutoPIPE does not allow certain components as the first item in a segment.
Try not to make a valve component as the first component on a segment. Maybe add a very short rigid pipe as first component.
1. Open walkthru.dat
2. Select any valve mid point
3. Insert guide support on valve-mid point
4. Analyze mode and generate Isometrics. Make sure the "support location" option is turned on.
5. Error message appears that the generated isometric file does not exist.
This has been logged under and will be fixed in a future version of the application :
Defect 740332: Stress Isometric generation fails if a support is attached at valve mid-point
Option #1:
Disable "support location" option on the "AutoPIPE Isometric Manager Options" dialog.
Option #2:
Remove all supports from the mid point of a valve. Suggest to insert supports at one end of the valve or the other. (Defect 740332)
Option #3:
On Isometric Manager Options, uncheck "Show Flow Arrows".
Option #4:
There may be one or more corrupted tee(s), remove all tees in the model and renter them all. Optional to test creating a stress isometric after fixing each tee. Remember there could be more than one.
Option #5:
Confirm that latest version OPIM supported by that version of AutoPIPE was installed.
Note, that OPIM Connect is not supported in AutoPIPE 11.04 and lower,
The issue occurs due to an unexpected split resulting from imported CAD lengths and Gasket widths. (Defect 1011316)
Export model to NTL file, open NTL file in any text editor, remove all gasket and flange lengths, save file, open in AutoPIPE, and create a stress isometric.
"Alert" Messages displayed in AutoPIPE