Applies To | |
Product(s): | AutoPIPE |
Version(s): | ALL; |
Area: | Calculations |
Original Author: | Bentley Technical Support Group |
Date Logged & Current Version | Oct. 2016 |
For the bend flexibility calculation (k) from NB-3686.2 where are the pressure (P) and youngs modulus (E) values taken from for the calculation?
Per ASME NB-3686.2, Pressure (P) is taken as the internal pressure of the pressure stiffening case selected. The elastic modulus (E) is based on the hot modulus selected. Both settings are located on the analysis sets dialog.
Note: if pressure stiffness is set = none than yes P = 0.
ASME BPV-III-1-NB, AutoPIPE Nuclear Piping Code FAQ