AutoPIPE 06.01.06 Release Notes (Patch 1-2-3)

AutoPIPE Version 6.10.06 for Windows

November 8, 2000

New in 6.10:

- Add KHK Level 2 piping code
- Update ASME B31.1 - 1999 edition, Addenda A
- Update ASME B31.3 - 1999 edition
- Update ASME B31.4 - 1998 edition
- Update ASME NC Class 2 - 1998 edition, July 1, 2000 Addendum
- Update ASME ND Class 3 - 1998 edition, July 1, 2000 Addendum

The user document numbers which corresponds to this release are:

QA26API-6.10 rev. 0 - "Tutorial"

The "Acceptance Test Set" document number which corresponds to this
release is:

QA25API-6.10 rev. 0

Reference the OPEN ERROR report for full details related to the errors known
to exist at the time of the 6.10 commercial release date shown above.
Continuing error reports are provided on a quarterly or monthly basis with
client participation in either the "MES" or "QA & Reporting" services.

Patch 01AutoPIPE 06.01.07 

Software Product Name: AutoPIPE for Windows
Version #: 6.10.07

This patch is to be installed over the commercial release of AutoPIPE version 6.10.06.
The following program files are replaced:
The following user files are replaced:

For errors without a reported description, please review the file AP610P01.TXT in the program directory after installation.

This enclosure contains a Software Patch for correcting errors in the commercial release of REBIS AutoPIPE Plus for Windows 6.10 program. REBIS is providing you this patch as a courtesy for your convenience/evaluation. REBIS has not performed formal Verification and Validation test on this patch and the user should be aware that limitations and/or errors in the software may exist.

Since REBIS has not completed full testing of this software, REBIS makes no claims as to the accuracy, completeness, fitness or usability of this software patch.


Patch Correction Log

Id: 951
HP Deskjet printer dumps in landscape mode only use small portion of page

Submit Date: 2/17/98 3:36:41 PM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
Printing "graphics" (from File\Print or Result\Interact scan) to a Deskjet printer in landscape mode only uses a very small portion of page. Instead of maximizing the page space available for the model display, the image
appears centered in the upper left corner.

Id: 1537
"File/Save as DXF" file does not show the correct length around bends

Submit Date: 7/26/99 7:05:54 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
Select view show/length then File/Save As DXF file (i.e 3D DXF format), does not show the correct length around bends when viewing the DXF model.

Id: 2162
Caesar model imported cnodes are incorrectly mapped to the origin

Submit Date: 10/12/00 7:16:08 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
Cnodes from Caesar neutral file (??.cii) are imported into AutoPIPE as piping points located incorrectly at the origin.

Id: 2205
No V-stop lift-off message in non-linear analysis when gap above closes

Submit Date: 11/9/00 6:50:32 PM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
As a result of correcting defect #2153, the v-stop lift-off warning message is incorrectly omitted during the non-linear analysis in the case where the pipe lifts off but comes into contact with the upper limit (gap above closes) during the load sequence. The display of the lift-off message is not affected when the pipe lifts off but does not close the gap above the pipe. Note that the V-stop lift-off warning message does not apply to 'linear', 'secant', and 'tangent' analysis types for occasional loads (see defect #2213).

Id: 2241
Colors for stress ratios at bends are based on far point

Submit Date: 11/21/00 10:17:08 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
In the interactive review of code compliance results, the color-coding of the bends are incorrectly based on the stress results at the far point only instead of both near and far points.

Id: 2247
New Autoplant 2.0 components not mapped to Autopipe

Submit Date: 11/29/00 7:58:11 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Id: 2263
Model listing report may be truncated when containing flange with NS rating

Submit Date: 1/24/01 1:36:14 PM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
The Model listing report may be truncated abnormally if the model contains a flange with NS rating.

Id: 2272
"Save As/AutoPLANT ( PXF)" does not save to the selected directory

Submit Date: 2/1/01 7:32:50 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
Using "File/Save As/AutoPLANT (*.PXF)" does not save the PXF file to the selected directory. Instead, it is always saved in the same directory as
the model.

Id: 2273
Warning msg "Current model revision does not match analysis" isn't specific

Submit Date: 2/1/01 10:44:39 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
The warning message E90-24 "Current model revision does not match analysis" is not explicit about which analyses the current model does not match and it does not provide any instructions on how to clear the warning. This can be quite confusing where there are more than one analysis (type) result sets. For example, if the user has run a modal, response spectrum, and static analysis, then edited the model, the message will continue to plague the user despite re-running the modal and static analyses. Only after the user figures out that they forgot to re-run the response spectrum analysis will the messages stop being generated.

Id: 2284
A printed plot may only show the points and point names.

Submit Date: 2/21/01 8:04:42 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
A printed plot (File/Print/Graphics) may omit part of the piping system (usually at the bottom portion) when the system is in the "Model display" mode. The missing portion will still show the points and point names but
the piping outline and support symbols may be missing.

Id: 2290
Model list report does not report change in design strain for BS7159

Submit Date: 2/25/01 1:27:53 PM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
For BS 7159 models only, the model list report section "Hot Allowables" does not list the design strain at the point where there is a change in design strain in the model. This error is caused by using an inappropriate tolerance (i.e. overly large) to compare the difference in design strain between the current point and the previous point leading to an omission of the the ‘new’ design strain in the sub-report.

Id: 2291
The wall thickness is reported incorrecly in the model list report for BS7159

Submit Date: 2/25/01 1:32:16 PM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
For BS 7159 models, the wall thickness may be reported incorrectly in the model list report (Pipe Data Listing) and F3-Text dialog. This condition can occur only for the case where the model was defined and saved using
any (steel) piping code and then converted to the BS 7159 code. If a non-zero mill tolerance is shown in the Pipe Data Listing or F3-Text dialog, the mill tolerance is inadvertently subtracted from the wall thickness. This problem is a reporting issue only (i.e. it does not affect the analysis results). Also, the mill tolerance should not have been reported in the Pipe Data Listing and F3-Text dialog for BS7159 code option. Since the mill tolerance is not used in any stress calculations, it may be ignored.

Id: 2292
Cannot modify a DYN REV code combination for NC and ND codes

Submit Date: 3/1/01 10:37:51 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
A DYN REV code combination under NC and ND codes cannot be created or modified. The following warning message is displayed E93-52 "load cases are not allowed for combined category" and the user is blocked from selecting a loadcase e.g Gr, E1 etc for Dyn Rev. code category.

Id: 2293
Restraints imported from Caesar may have incorrect stiffness value

Submit Date: 3/2/01 9:29:25 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
Rotational restraints imported from Caesar may have incorrect stiffness value and y-directional restraints with a stiffness are imported as rigid

Id: 2294
Inconsistent coordinate axes when exporting PXF file to AutoPLANT

Submit Date: 3/2/01 10:34:47 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
After importing a model from AutoPLANT and exporting it back to AutoPLANT, the system coordinate axes are not consistent.

Id: 2309
Missing time history loads after using Fluid Transient option

Submit Date: 3/26/01 6:59:44 PM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
When using the Load/Fluid Transient option, the time history loads may be incorrectly omitted at bend points along the specified range in the Fluid Transient dialog. This error is likely to occur when the point range contains points with names that were assigned to points that were deleted previously in the model.


Patch 02 AutoPIPE 06.01.08

Software Product Name: AutoPIPE for Windows
Version #: 6.10.08

This patch is to be installed over the commercial release of AutoPIPE
version 6.10.06.
The following program files are replaced:
The following user files are replaced:
The following errata file is included:

For defects without a reported description, please review the
file AP610P02.TXT in the program directory after installation.

This enclosure contains a Software Patch for correcting defects in the commercial release of REBIS AutoPIPE Plus for Windows 6.10 program. REBIS is providing you this patch as a courtesy for your convenience/evaluation. REBIS has not performed formal Verification and Validation test on this patch and the user should be aware that limitations and/or defects in the software may exist.
Since REBIS has not completed full testing of this software, REBIS makes no claims as to the accuracy, completeness, fitness or usability of this software patch.


Patch Correction Log

Program: AutoPIPE for Windows
Version: 6.10.07
Date: March 30, 2001
Patch No.: ap610p01
Developer: VH

The following error(s) have been corrected in this patch release:

Id: 951
HP Deskjet printer dumps in landscape mode only use small portion of page

Submit Date: 2/17/98 3:36:41 PM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
Printing "graphics" (from File\Print or Result\Interact scan) to a Deskjet printer in landscape mode only uses a very small portion of page. Instead of maximizing the page space available for the model display, the image appears centered in the upper left corner.

Id: 1537
"File/Save as DXF" file does not show the correct length around bends

Submit Date: 7/26/99 7:05:54 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
Select view show/length then File/Save As DXF file (i.e 3D DXF format), does not show the correct length around bends when viewing the DXF model.

Id: 2162
Caesar model imported cnodes are incorrectly mapped to the origin

Submit Date: 10/12/00 7:16:08 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
Cnodes from Caesar neutral file (??.cii) are imported into AutoPIPE as piping points located incorrectly at the origin.

Id: 2205
No V-stop lift-off message in non-linear analysis when gap above closes

Submit Date: 11/9/00 6:50:32 PM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
As a result of correcting defect #2153, the v-stop lift-off warning message is incorrectly omitted during the non-linear analysis in the case where the pipe lifts off but comes into contact with the upper limit (gap above closes) during the load sequence. The display of the lift-off message is not affected when the pipe lifts off but does not close the gap above the pipe. Note that the V-stop lift-off warning message does not apply to 'linear', 'secant', and 'tangent' analysis types for occasional loads (see defect #2213).

Id: 2241
Colors for stress ratios at bends are based on far point

Submit Date: 11/21/00 10:17:08 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
In the interactive review of code compliance results, the color-coding of the bends are incorrectly based on the stress results at the far point only instead of both near and far points.

Id: 2247
New Autoplant 2.0 components not mapped to Autopipe

Submit Date: 11/29/00 7:58:11 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Id: 2263
Model listing report may be truncated when containing flange with NS rating

Submit Date: 1/24/01 1:36:14 PM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
The Model listing report may be truncated abnormally if the model contains a flange with NS rating.

Id: 2272
"Save As/AutoPLANT ( PXF)" does not save to the selected directory

Submit Date: 2/1/01 7:32:50 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
Using "File/Save As/AutoPLANT (*.PXF)" does not save the PXF file to the selected directory. Instead, it is always saved in the same directory as the model.

Id: 2273
Warning msg "Current model revision does not match analysis" isn't specific

Submit Date: 2/1/01 10:44:39 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
The warning message E90-24 "Current model revision does not match analysis" is not explicit about which analyses the current model does not match and it does not provide any instructions on how to clear the warning. This can be quite confusing where there are more than one analysis (type) result sets. For example, if the user has run a modal, response spectrum, and static analysis, then edited the model, the message will continue to plague the user despite re-running the modal and static analyses. Only after the user figures out that they forgot to re-run the response spectrum analysis will the messages stop being generated.

Id: 2284
A printed plot may only show the points and point names.

Submit Date: 2/21/01 8:04:42 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
A printed plot (File/Print/Graphics) may omit part of the piping system (usually at the bottom portion) when the system is in the "Model display" mode. The missing portion will still show the points and point names but the piping outline and support symbols may be missing.

Id: 2290
Model list report does not report change in design strain for BS7159

Submit Date: 2/25/01 1:27:53 PM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
For BS 7159 models only, the model list report section "Hot Allowables" does not list the design strain at the point where there is a change in design strain in the model. This error is caused by using an inappropriate tolerance (i.e. overly large) to compare the difference in design strain between the current point and the previous point leading to an omission of the the ‘new’ design strain in the sub-report.

Id: 2291
The wall thickness is reported incorrecly in the model list report for BS7159

Submit Date: 2/25/01 1:32:16 PM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
For BS 7159 models, the wall thickness may be reported incorrectly in the model list report (Pipe Data Listing) and F3-Text dialog. This condition can occur only for the case where the model was defined and saved using any (steel) piping code and then converted to the BS 7159 code. If a non-zero mill tolerance is shown in the Pipe Data Listing or F3-Text dialog, the mill tolerance is inadvertently subtracted from the wall thickness. This problem is a reporting issue only (i.e. it does not affect the analysis results). Also, the mill tolerance should not have been reported in the Pipe Data Listing and F3-Text dialog for BS7159 code option. Since the mill tolerance is not used in any stress calculations, it may be ignored.

Id: 2292
Cannot modify a DYN REV code combination for NC and ND codes

Submit Date: 3/1/01 10:37:51 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
A DYN REV code combination under NC and ND codes cannot be created or modified. The following warning message is displayed E93-52 "load cases are not allowed for combined category" and the user is blocked from selecting a loadcase e.g Gr, E1 etc for Dyn Rev. code category.

Id: 2293
Restraints imported from Caesar may have incorrect stiffness value

Submit Date: 3/2/01 9:29:25 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
Rotational restraints imported from Caesar may have incorrect stiffness value and y-directional restraints with a stiffness are imported as rigid v-stops.

Id: 2294
Inconsistent coordinate axes when exporting PXF file to AutoPLANT

Submit Date: 3/2/01 10:34:47 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
After importing a model from AutoPLANT and exporting it back to AutoPLANT,
the system coordinate axes are not consistent.

Id: 2309
Missing time history loads after using Fluid Transient option

Submit Date: 3/26/01 6:59:44 PM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
When using the Load/Fluid Transient option, the time history loads may be incorrectly omitted at bend points along the specified range in the Fluid Transient dialog. This error is likely to occur when the point range contains points with names that were assigned to points that were deleted previously in the model.


Program: AutoPIPE for Windows
Version: 6.10.08
Date: September 6, 2001
Patch No.: ap610p02
Developer: VH & KR

The following error(s) have been corrected in this patch release:

Id: 2294
Inconsistent coordinate axes when exporting PXF file to AutoPLANT

Submit Date: 3/2/2001 10:34:47 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
After importing a model from AutoPLANT and exporting it back to AutoPLANT,
the system coordinate axes are not consistent.

Id: 2302
Rigid support response to time history loads are not always accurate

Submit Date: 3/12/2001 10:02:52 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
For time history analysis, it has been recommended in the on-line help that the response at rigid supports may require the high frequency mode shapes to be analyzed (see defect #2008). However, for large systems with high frequency loading, there are program memory limitations that may make it impractical to capture an adequate number of modes in the high frequency range. This problem manifests itself as follows:

Zero (or near zero) reactions at rigid support/anchor where a time history load is defined near the restraint when including all modes within a reasonable cutoff frequency (150 Hz for transient loads).

Id: 2307
The steam relief pipe interface point cannot be on discharge bend

Submit Date: 3/16/2001 6:12:51 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
When the steam relief Pipe/Vent Interface Point for an integral system is defined at a bend near, mid or far point then the maximum L/D ratio is incorrectly calculated higher than expected, which results in a higher valve exit pressure.

Id: 2315
Defining fluid transient ranges across tees or junction points are not blocked

Submit Date: 3/28/2001 3:16:10 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
Defining a fluid transient with a range across tees or junction points of different segments may not give the expected TIH and THL files. The program always traverses the point range in the forward segment direction. If the To point is not on the same segment as the From point, the program will inadvertently traverse intermediate segments and generate unexpected TIH and THL data from these segments.

Id: 2330
No color difference in interactive color-coded stress plot with black background

Submit Date: 4/12/2001 1:25:50 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
Performing an interactive code stress ratio scan will show no color coding of stress ratio on the piping model with a black background.

Id: 2332
Pipe Insulation thickness or density = 0 is not exported to the NTL file

Submit Date: 4/16/2001 9:33:30 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
If a Pipe identifier insulation thickness or density is zero and File/Save as NTL file is selected, the NTL file is incorrectly written as a blank instead of 0 for insulation thickness or density. When the NTL file is imported, the insulation thickness is incorrectly set to the preceding pipe identifier in the NTL file.

Id: 2337
Incorrect response spectrum accelerations reported using ZPA

Submit Date: 4/20/2001 9:44:18 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
When the ZPA correction method is enabled for a response spectrum analysis, the acceleration values reported in the Accelerations sub-report are unexpectedly high. The ZPA correction method should not contribute to the relative accelerations in the Acceleration sub-report.

Id: 2338
Steam relief valve thrust loads report may state error in steam relief point

Submit Date: 4/20/2001 9:44:18 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
As part of the steam relief valve thrust load calculations, the program checks whether or not the pipe/vent interface point is defined at the end tangent intersection point. Instead of checking the actual interface point, the program inadvertently checks the current point, i.e. point at which the crosshair lies. Hence, if the current point is at a bend tangent intersection point, the program inadvertently prints the error message error in steam relief point definition in the Steam Relief Valve Thrust Load sub-report (*.OUT).

Id: 2339
Rigid support response to force spectrum loads are not always accurate

Submit Date: 4/23/2001 3:31:44 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
In cases where the force spectrum load is applied very near a support or directly at the support, the support reaction may be near zero or very much less than the actual reaction. The reason is because the mode shapes involving the movement between the applied load direction and the support point were not computed as specified by the number of modes or cut-off frequency. These missing mode shapes are usually very stiff and hence associated with mode shapes in the high frequency range. Normally, the missing mass and/or ZPA correction methods are used to compute the missing support reactions. However, the computed values for these two correction methods for the force spectrum analysis are themselves incorrect such that their contribution to the overall response is negligible.

Id: 2340
Zero support reactions in force spectrum analysis except for last load case

Submit Date: 4/23/2001 4:32:20 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
Support reactions from force spectrum analysis are incorrectly reported as zero for all load cases except the last force spectrum load case. This includes both rigid and flexible supports.

Id: 2342
Incorrect color coded stress plot for general piping code

Submit Date: 4/25/2001 4:32:03 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
The interactive code stress scan for general piping code does not provide
expected results as follows:

1. The color coded plot is not consistent with the color ranges defined for the calculated stress ratios.
2. When the total stress is calculated as the Maximum Shear stress, the stress ratio shown in the F3-Text window is twice the expected value. The stress ratio for total stress calculated as the Octahedral stress is not affected.
3. The F3-Text results are not consistent with the stress type selected in the Code Stresses dialog. The F3-Text always displays the Total Stress results.

Id: 2343
VCR buttons in color coded stress plot may not function properly

Submit Date: 4/25/2001 5:08:55 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
The VCR buttons and equivalent key strokes (PgUp, PgDn, Home, End) used in interactive code stress scan may not function properly when there are
frames in the model and the view window does not contain the point to which the crosshair must move. This problem can be observed in the following ways:

1. After pressing any VCR button, the crosshair appears to disappear in the view window.
2. The view remains unchanged instead of being re-displayed as required to show the portion of the model that contains the proper point.

Id: 2344
Bends with midpoint or soil points may not be color sorted correctly

Submit Date: 4/25/2001 5:50:47 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
When reviewing the results in the interactive color-coded stress plots and the model contains bends with midpoint, the sequence of the bend points while traversing the model using the VCR buttons or equivalent key strokes may be out of order. Also, when the bend contains soil points, the color coding of the run pipe following the bend may be higher than the actual stress ratio for the run pipe. The F3-Text display of calculated stress results are not affected.

Id: 2353
Add included mass or missing mass report for response and force spectrum

Submit Date: 5/7/2001 12:14:54 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
This enhancement allows the percentage of mass captured in the modal analysis to be printed in the output report. It is useful in evaluating the modal mass contribution in the dynamic analysis results. For response spectrum analysis, the captured mass is reported in the Frequency report for each direction. It should be noted that the participation factors and captured mass shown in the Frequency report apply only to response spectrum and earthquake time history analyses. For force spectrum analysis, the captured mass is reported in the Analysis Summary report for each force spectrum load case.

Id: 2359
Allow entry for rise time and shape for fluid transients

Submit Date: 5/21/2001 11:22:31 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:This enhancement allows a variable rise time to be specified by the user for the fluid transient load generation option. It removes the impractical limitation of instantaneous rise time from this option. Fluid forces with instantaneous rise time could be 100 times larger than slow rise time forces.In the majority of water hammer cases, the valve closure time is used as a design variable to reduce fluid forces.

Id: 2361
Using mmetric units and entering NS large OD values can crash the model listing

Submit Date: 5/29/2001 7:33:43 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
Using mmetric input units and entering NS for the nominal size in the Pipe Properties dialog causes the corresponding OD value (rounded to nearest mm) to be inadvertently displayed in the Nominal field (instead of NS) the next time this pipe identifier is edited. Also, the nominal size in the Pipe Data listing sub-report is incorrectly defined as the corresponding OD value rounded to the nearest mm (again, instead of NS). Finally, if the corresponding OD value is larger than or equal to 10000 mm, generating a model listing will cause the program to terminate abnormally.

Id: 2362
Using static correction methods for some dynamic analyses produces no difference
Submit Date: 5/29/2001 12:40:42 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
The Missing Mass and ZPA static correction methods for force spectrum, time history and harmonic analyses do not produce any significant difference in results compared to results without any static correction methods. The Missing Mass and ZPA static correction methods for response spectrum analysis are applied correctly. Using static correction in a dynamic analysis produces results that are generally greater than the same analysis without static correction. As a consequence of this error, dynamic results with static correction may be non-conservative. The degree of impact depends on the number of significant modes that have been extracted. The larger the number of significant modes that are extracted during the modal analysis, the less impact this error will have on the dynamic analysis results. To identify whether or not a model is impacted by this error, generate the Analysis Summary sub-report (Result/Output Report) and check for the following correction method options:

1. For Force Spectrum Load Cases, either Missing mass or ZPA is reported as Yes.
2. For Harmonic Load Cases, either Missing mass or ZPA is reported as Yes.
3. For Time History Load Cases, Missing mass is reported as Yes.To evaluate the potential impact that this error has on completed dynamic analyses, first perform a modal analysis that includes all modes with frequencies at least up to the excitation frequency of the loading. Then, perform the dynamic analysis and compare the difference in results from the original analysis. This difference should be most noticeable in element orces and support reactions. Refer to defects #2302 and #2339 for related problems as a consequence of this error. 1st affected version for harmonic and force spectrum analyses is 4.40; for time history analysis, it is 5.00.

Id: 2364
Message W831-1 combinations include cases not analyzed may not always be true
Submit Date: 6/8/2001 12:10:27 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
Warning message W831-1 combinations include cases not analyzed is displayed even when this condition does not appear to occur. It is caused by previously deleted combinations that contains cases not analyzed. The deleted combinations should have been ignored in this check procedure.

Id: 2370
Lowercase PXF units name may not be imported properly from AutoPLANT

Submit Date: 6/29/2001 1:21:54 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
If a PXF units name from AutoPLANT includes lowercase characters, e.g. ABcd, and it is based on SI or METRIC unit system, the default unit file name in the General Model Options dialog will not be consistent with the unit file mapping definition in the file. Consequently, if the default unit file name in the General Model Options dialog is accepted, the coordinates and/or pipe properties data will be incorrect by a factor of 25.4 after importing the PXF file into AutoPIPE. This problem does not occur if the PXF units name is based on Imperial or English units system.

Id: 2372
Defining more than 50 materials in CADAP.MAP affects PXF import of flanges

Submit Date: 7/2/2001 11:20:54 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
Defining more than 50 materials in the MATERIAL section of the CADAP.MAP file may cause some flanges to be incorrectly omitted in the PXF import process. There is a limit of 50 materials allowed in the CADAP.MAP file. If this upper limit is exceeded, the program should display an error message and the PXF import would terminate after pressing ok. However, beginning with version 6.00, an incorrect value of 200 was used instead of 50 for checking this limit. Since space was allocated for only 50 materials, the excess material data overflowed into the area of the flange data causing the flange data to be lost.

Id: 2376
Undesigned constant hangers have very high reactions in dynamic load cases

Submit Date: 7/16/2001 9:18:22 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
Undesigned constant force hangers may have very high reactions in dynamic analyses (i.e. response spectrum, force spectrum, harmonic, & time history load case results). The stiffness for all undesigned constant force hangers (& resultant reaction forces) should be zero in dynamic load cases.

Id: 2379
Update class mapping in CADAP.MAP for 6.10.08 project

Submit Date: 8/6/2001 3:34:23 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
This enhancement provides the mapping data in CADAP.MAP for new components
added in AutoPLANT version 2.01.

Id: 2380
Cannot interpret commas for real values in the PXF file

Submit Date: 8/6/2001 3:41:55 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
With some regional settings, e.g. German, commas instead of decimal points are used in the PXF file for cards 2024 and 3003 only. The PXF import process was not designed to interpret commas for the affected data types and the following typical warning messages are displayed:

3003 355,6
2024 37,9999999998072

Id: 2405
Use dynamic memory in time history analysis

Submit Date: 8/27/2001 11:30:08 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
For large models, the time history analysis is often limited by the fixed memory allocated for the analysis (4MB) by the program. This enhancement removes this limitation by allowing the time history analysis to use dynamic memory allocation instead.

Id: 2406
Add intermediate interrupt checks to cancel time history analysis

Submit Date: 8/27/2001 11:47:31 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
After pressing the Cancel button during the time history analysis, the analysis proceeds to the end before it is cancelled by the program. The program should have cancelled the analysis at an earlier point in the process.

Id: 2407
Mass discretization option causes reducer weight to be larger during analyses

Submit Date: 8/28/2001 2:12:25 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
If intermediate mass points are added to reducers after enabling the mass discretization option, the weight of reducers will be slightly smaller or larger than expected during an analysis. If the near end is larger than the far end of the reducer, then the reducer weight will be slightly larger than expected. If the near end is smaller than the far end of the reducer, then the reducer weight will be slightly smaller than expected. Normally, the reducer weight is derived from the average of the weight per unit length from each end of the reducer. When intermediate mass points are added to a reducer, the program incorrectly applies the weight per unit length of the near end instead of the far end to all intermediated mass points when computing the average weight per unit length for the intermediate elements of the reducer. Generally, the incorrect reducer weights do not affect the results significantly.


Patch 03AutoPIPE 06.01.09

Software Product Name: AutoPIPE for Windows
Version #: 6.10.09

This patch is to be installed over the commercial release of AutoPIPE
version 6.10.06.
The following program files are replaced:
The following user files are replaced:
The following errata file is included:

For defects without a reported description, please review the
file AP610P03.TXT in the program directory after installation.

This enclosure contains a Software Patch for correcting defects in the commercial release of REBIS AutoPIPE Plus for Windows 6.10 program. REBISis providing you this patch as a courtesy for your convenience/evaluation. REBIS has not performed formal Verification and Validation test on thispatch and the user should be aware that limitations and/or defects in the software may exist.

Since REBIS has not completed full testing of this software, REBIS makes no claims as to the accuracy, completeness, fitness or usability of this
software patch.


Patch Correction Log

Program: AutoPIPE for Windows
Version: 6.10.07
Date: March 30, 2001
Patch No.: ap610p01
Developer: VH

The following error(s) have been corrected in this patch release:

Id: 951
HP Deskjet printer dumps in landscape mode only use small portion of page

Submit Date: 2/17/98 3:36:41 PM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
Printing "graphics" (from File\Print or Result\Interact scan) to a Deskjet printer in landscape mode only uses a very small portion of page. Instead of maximizing the page space available for the model display, the image appears centered in the upper left corner.

Id: 1537
"File/Save as DXF" file does not show the correct length around bends

Submit Date: 7/26/99 7:05:54 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
Select view show/length then File/Save As DXF file (i.e 3D DXF format), does not show the correct length around bends when viewing the DXF model.

Id: 2162
Caesar model imported cnodes are incorrectly mapped to the origin

Submit Date: 10/12/00 7:16:08 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
Cnodes from Caesar neutral file (??.cii) are imported into AutoPIPE as piping points located incorrectly at the origin.

Id: 2205
No V-stop lift-off message in non-linear analysis when gap above closes

Submit Date: 11/9/00 6:50:32 PM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
As a result of correcting defect #2153, the v-stop lift-off warning message is incorrectly omitted during the non-linear analysis in the case where the pipe lifts off but comes into contact with the upper limit (gap above closes) during the load sequence. The display of the lift-off message is not affected when the pipe lifts off but does not close the gap above the pipe. Note that the V-stop lift-off warning message does not apply to 'linear', 'secant', and 'tangent' analysis types for occasional loads (see defect #2213).

Id: 2241
Colors for stress ratios at bends are based on far point

Submit Date: 11/21/00 10:17:08 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
In the interactive review of code compliance results, the color-coding of the bends are incorrectly based on the stress results at the far point only instead of both near and far points.

Id: 2247
New Autoplant 2.0 components not mapped to Autopipe

Submit Date: 11/29/00 7:58:11 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Id: 2263
Model listing report may be truncated when containing flange with NS rating

Submit Date: 1/24/01 1:36:14 PM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
The Model listing report may be truncated abnormally if the model contains a flange with NS rating.

Id: 2272
"Save As/AutoPLANT ( PXF)" does not save to the selected directory

Submit Date: 2/1/01 7:32:50 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
Using "File/Save As/AutoPLANT (*.PXF)" does not save the PXF file to the selected directory. Instead, it is always saved in the same directory as the model.

Id: 2273
Warning msg "Current model revision does not match analysis" isn't specific

Submit Date: 2/1/01 10:44:39 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
The warning message E90-24 "Current model revision does not match analysis"is not explicit about which analyses the current model does not match and it does not provide any instructions on how to clear the warning. This can be quite confusing where there are more than one analysis (type) result sets. For example, if the user has run a modal, response spectrum, and static analysis, then edited the model, the message will continue to plague the user despite re-running the modal and static analyses. Only after the user figures out that they forgot to re-run the response spectrum analysis will the messages stop being generated.

Id: 2284
A printed plot may only show the points and point names.

Submit Date: 2/21/01 8:04:42 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:A printed plot (File/Print/Graphics) may omit part of the piping system (usually at the bottom portion) when the system is in the "Model display" mode. The missing portion will still show the points and point names but the piping outline and support symbols may be missing.

Id: 2290
Model list report does not report change in design strain for BS7159

Submit Date: 2/25/01 1:27:53 PM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
For BS 7159 models only, the model list report section "Hot Allowables" does not list the design strain at the point where there is a change in design strain in the model. This error is caused by using an inappropriate tolerance (i.e. overly large) to compare the difference in design strain between the current point and the previous point leading to an omission of the the ‘new’ design strain in the sub-report.

Id: 2291
The wall thickness is reported incorrecly in the model list report for BS7159

Submit Date: 2/25/01 1:32:16 PM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
For BS 7159 models, the wall thickness may be reported incorrectly in the model list report (Pipe Data Listing) and F3-Text dialog. This condition can occur only for the case where the model was defined and saved using any (steel) piping code and then converted to the BS 7159 code. If a non-zero mill tolerance is shown in the Pipe Data Listing or F3-Text dialog, the mill tolerance is inadvertently subtracted from the wall thickness. This problem is a reporting issue only (i.e. it does not affect the analysis results). Also, the mill tolerance should not have been reported in the Pipe Data Listing and F3-Text dialog for BS7159 code option. Since the mill tolerance is not used in any stress calculations, it may be ignored.

Id: 2292
Cannot modify a DYN REV code combination for NC and ND codes

Submit Date: 3/1/01 10:37:51 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
A DYN REV code combination under NC and ND codes cannot be created or modified. The following warning message is displayed E93-52 "load cases are not allowed for combined category" and the user is blocked from selecting a loadcase e.g Gr, E1 etc for Dyn Rev. code category.

Id: 2293
Restraints imported from Caesar may have incorrect stiffness value

Submit Date: 3/2/01 9:29:25 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
Rotational restraints imported from Caesar may have incorrect stiffness value and y-directional restraints with a stiffness are imported as rigid v-stops.

Id: 2294
Inconsistent coordinate axes when exporting PXF file to AutoPLANT

Submit Date: 3/2/01 10:34:47 AM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
After importing a model from AutoPLANT and exporting it back to AutoPLANT,
the system coordinate axes are not consistent.

Id: 2309
Missing time history loads after using Fluid Transient option

Submit Date: 3/26/01 6:59:44 PM
Patch Version:6.10.07

Reported Description:
When using the Load/Fluid Transient option, the time history loads may be incorrectly omitted at bend points along the specified range in the Fluid Transient dialog. This error is likely to occur when the point range contains points with names that were assigned to points that were deleted previously in the model.


Program: AutoPIPE for Windows
Version: 6.10.08
Date: September 6, 2001
Patch No.: ap610p02
Developer: VH & KR

The following error(s) have been corrected in this patch release:

Id: 2294
Inconsistent coordinate axes when exporting PXF file to AutoPLANT

Submit Date: 3/2/2001 10:34:47 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
After importing a model from AutoPLANT and exporting it back to AutoPLANT, the system coordinate axes are not consistent.

Id: 2302
Rigid support response to time history loads are not always accurate

Submit Date: 3/12/2001 10:02:52 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
For time history analysis, it has been recommended in the on-line help that the response at rigid supports may require the high frequency mode shapes to be analyzed (see defect #2008). However, for large systems with high frequency loading, there are program memory limitations that may make it impractical to capture an adequate number of modes in the high frequency range. This problem manifests itself as follows:

Zero (or near zero) reactions at rigid support/anchor where a time history load is defined near the restraint when including all modes within a reasonable cutoff frequency (150 Hz for transient loads).

Id: 2307
The steam relief pipe interface point cannot be on discharge bend

Submit Date: 3/16/2001 6:12:51 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
When the steam relief Pipe/Vent Interface Point for an integral system is defined at a bend near, mid or far point then the maximum L/D ratio is incorrectly calculated higher than expected, which results in a higher
valve exit pressure.

Id: 2315
Defining fluid transient ranges across tees or junction points are not blocked

Submit Date: 3/28/2001 3:16:10 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
Defining a fluid transient with a range across tees or junction points of different segments may not give the expected TIH and THL files. The program always traverses the point range in the forward segment direction. If the To point is not on the same segment as the From point, the program will inadvertently traverse intermediate segments and generate unexpected TIH and THL data from these segments.

Id: 2330
No color difference in interactive color-coded stress plot with black background

Submit Date: 4/12/2001 1:25:50 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
Performing an interactive code stress ratio scan will show no color coding of stress ratio on the piping model with a black background.

Id: 2332
Pipe Insulation thickness or density = 0 is not exported to the NTL file

Submit Date: 4/16/2001 9:33:30 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
If a Pipe identifier insulation thickness or density is zero and File/Save as NTL file is selected, the NTL file is incorrectly written as a blank instead of 0 for insulation thickness or density. When the NTL file is imported, the insulation thickness is incorrectly set to the preceding pipe identifier in the NTL file.

Id: 2337
Incorrect response spectrum accelerations reported using ZPA

Submit Date: 4/20/2001 9:44:18 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
When the ZPA correction method is enabled for a response spectrum analysis, the acceleration values reported in the Accelerations sub-report are unexpectedly high. The ZPA correction method should not contribute to the relative accelerations in the Acceleration sub-report.

Id: 2338
Steam relief valve thrust loads report may state error in steam relief point

Submit Date: 4/20/2001 9:44:18 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
As part of the steam relief valve thrust load calculations, the program checks whether or not the pipe/vent interface point is defined at the bend tangent intersection point. Instead of checking the actual interface point, the program inadvertently checks the current point, i.e. point at which the crosshair lies. Hence, if the current point is at a bend tangent intersection point, the program inadvertently prints the error message error in steam relief point definition in the Steam Relief Valve Thrust Load sub-report (*.OUT).
Id: 2339
Rigid support response to force spectrum loads are not always accurate

Submit Date: 4/23/2001 3:31:44 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
In cases where the force spectrum load is applied very near a support or directly at the support, the support reaction may be near zero or very much less than the actual reaction. The reason is because the mode shapes involving the movement between the applied load direction and the support point were not computed as specified by the number of modes or cut-off frequency. These missing mode shapes are usually very stiff and hence associated with mode shapes in the high frequency range. Normally, the missing mass and/or ZPA correction methods are used to compute the missing support reactions. However, the computed values for these two correction methods for the force spectrum analysis are themselves incorrect such that their contribution to the overall response is negligible.

Id: 2340
Zero support reactions in force spectrum analysis except for last load case

Submit Date: 4/23/2001 4:32:20 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
Support reactions from force spectrum analysis are incorrectly reported as zero for all load cases except the last force spectrum load case. This includes both rigid and flexible supports.

Id: 2342
Incorrect color coded stress plot for general piping code

Submit Date: 4/25/2001 4:32:03 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
The interactive code stress scan for general piping code does not provide
expected results as follows:

1. The color coded plot is not consistent with the color ranges defined for the calculated stress ratios.
2. When the total stress is calculated as the Maximum Shear stress, the stress ratio shown in the F3-Text window is twice the expected value. The stress ratio for total stress calculated as the Octahedral stress is not affected.
3. The F3-Text results are not consistent with the stress type selected in the Code Stresses dialog. The F3-Text always displays the Total Stress results.

Id: 2343
VCR buttons in color coded stress plot may not function properly

Submit Date: 4/25/2001 5:08:55 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
The VCR buttons and equivalent key strokes (PgUp, PgDn, Home, End) used in interactive code stress scan may not function properly when there are frames in the model and the view window does not contain the point to which the crosshair must move. This problem can be observed in the following ways:

1. After pressing any VCR button, the crosshair appears to disappear in
the view window.
2. The view remains unchanged instead of being re-displayed as required to show the portion of the model that contains the proper point.

Id: 2344
Bends with midpoint or soil points may not be color sorted correctly

Submit Date: 4/25/2001 5:50:47 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
When reviewing the results in the interactive color-coded stress plots and the model contains bends with midpoint, the sequence of the bend points while traversing the model using the VCR buttons or equivalent key strokes may be out of order. Also, when the bend contains soil points, the color coding of the run pipe following the bend may be higher than the actual stress ratio for the run pipe. The F3-Text display of calculated stress results are not affected.

Id: 2353
Add included mass or missing mass report for response and force spectrum

Submit Date: 5/7/2001 12:14:54 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
This enhancement allows the percentage of mass captured in the modal analysis to be printed in the output report. It is useful in evaluating the modal mass contribution in the dynamic analysis results. For response spectrum analysis, the captured mass is reported in the Frequency report for each direction. It should be noted that the participation factors and captured mass shown in the Frequency report apply only to response spectrum and earthquake time history analyses. For force spectrum analysis, the captured mass is reported in the Analysis Summary report for each force spectrum load case.

Id: 2359
Allow entry for rise time and shape for fluid transients

Submit Date: 5/21/2001 11:22:31 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
This enhancement allows a variable rise time to be specfied by the user for the fluid transient load generation option. It removes the impractical limitation of instantaneous rise time from this option. Fluid forces with instantaneous rise time could be 100 times larger than slow rise time forces.In the majority of water hammer cases, the valve closure time is used as a design variable to reduce fluid forces.

Id: 2361
Using mmetric units and entering NS large OD values can crash the model listing

Submit Date: 5/29/2001 7:33:43 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
Using mmetric input units and entering NS for the nominal size in the Pipe Properties dialog causes the corresponding OD value (rounded to nearest mm) to be inadvertently displayed in the Nominal field (instead of NS) the next time this pipe identifier is edited. Also, the nominal size in the Pipe Data listing sub-report is incorrectly defined as the corresponding OD value rounded to the nearest mm (again, instead of NS). Finally, if the corresponding OD value is larger than or equal to 10000 mm, generating a model listing will cause the program to terminate abnormally.
Id: 2362
Using static correction methods for some dynamic analyses produces no difference
Submit Date: 5/29/2001 12:40:42 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
The Missing Mass and ZPA static correction methods for force spectrum, time history and harmonic analyses do not produce any significant difference in results compared to results without any static correction methods. The Missing Mass and ZPA static correction methods for response spectrum analysis are applied correctly. Using static correction in a dynamic analysis produces results that are generally greater than the same analysis without static correction. As a consequence of this error, dynamic results with static correction may be non-conservative. The degree of impact depends on the number of significant modes that have been extracted. The larger the number of significant modes that are extracted during the modal analysis, the less impact this error will have on the dynamic analysis results. To identify whether or not a model is impacted by this error, generate the Analysis Summary sub-report (Result/Output Report) and check for the following correction method options:

1. For Force Spectrum Load Cases, either Missing mass or ZPA is reported as Yes.
2. For Harmonic Load Cases, either Missing mass or ZPA is reported as Yes.
3. For Time History Load Cases, Missing mass is reported as Yes.
To evaluate the potential impact that this error has on completed dynamic analyses, first perform a modal analysis that includes all modes with frequencies at least up to the excitation frequency of the loading. Then, perform the dynamic analysis and compare the difference in results from the original analysis. This difference should be most noticeable in element forces and support reactions. Refer to defects #2302 and #2339 for related problems as a consequence of this error. 1st affected version for harmonic and force spectrum analyses is 4.40; for time history analysis, it is 5.00.

Id: 2364
Message W831-1 combinations include cases not analyzed may not always be true
Submit Date: 6/8/2001 12:10:27 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
Warning message W831-1 combinations include cases not analyzed is displayed even when this condition does not appear to occur. It is caused by previously deleted combinations that contains cases not analyzed. The deleted combinations should have been ignored in this check procedure.

Id: 2370
Lowercase PXF units name may not be imported properly from AutoPLANT

Submit Date: 6/29/2001 1:21:54 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
If a PXF units name from AutoPLANT includes lowercase characters, e.g. ABcd, and it is based on SI or METRIC unit system, the default unit file name in the General Model Options dialog will not be consistent with the unit file mapping definition in the file. Consequently, if the default unit file name in the General Model Options dialog is accepted, the coordinates and/or pipe properties data will be incorrect by a factor of 25.4 after importing the PXF file into AutoPIPE. This problem does not occur if the PXF units name is based on Imperial or English units system.

Id: 2372
Defining more than 50 materials in CADAP.MAP affects PXF import of flanges

Submit Date: 7/2/2001 11:20:54 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
Defining more than 50 materials in the MATERIAL section of the CADAP.MAP file may cause some flanges to be incorrectly omitted in the PXF import process. There is a limit of 50 materials allowed in the CADAP.MAP file. If this upper limit is exceeded, the program should display an error message and the PXF import would terminate after pressing ok. However, beginning with version 6.00, an incorrect value of 200 was used instead of 50 for checking this limit. Since space was allocated for only 50 materials, the excess material data overflowed into the area of the flange data causing the flange data to be lost.

Id: 2376
Undesigned constant hangers have very high reactions in dynamic load cases

Submit Date: 7/16/2001 9:18:22 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
Undesigned constant force hangers may have very high reactions in dynamic analyses (i.e. response spectrum, force spectrum, harmonic, & time history load case results). The stiffness for all undesigned constant force hangers (& resultant reaction forces) should be zero in dynamic load cases.

Id: 2379
Update class mapping in CADAP.MAP for 6.10.08 project

Submit Date: 8/6/2001 3:34:23 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
This enhancement provides the mapping data in CADAP.MAP for new components
added in AutoPLANT version 2.01.

Id: 2380
Cannot interpret commas for real values in the PXF file

Submit Date: 8/6/2001 3:41:55 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
With some regional settings, e.g. German, commas instead of decimal points are used in the PXF file for cards 2024 and 3003 only. The PXF import process was not designed to interpret commas for the affected data types and the following typical warning messages are displayed:

3003 355,6
2024 37,9999999998072

Id: 2405
Use dynamic memory in time history analysis

Submit Date: 8/27/2001 11:30:08 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
For large models, the time history analysis is often limited by the fixed memory allocated for the analysis (4MB) by the program. This enhancement removes this limitation by allowing the time history analysis to use dynamic memory allocation instead.

Id: 2406
Add intermediate interrupt checks to cancel time history analysis

Submit Date: 8/27/2001 11:47:31 AM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
After pressing the Cancel button during the time history analysis, the analysis proceeds to the end before it is cancelled by the program. Th program should have cancelled the analysis at an earlier point in the process.

Id: 2407
Mass discretization option causes reducer weight to be larger during analyses

Submit Date: 8/28/2001 2:12:25 PM
Patch Version:6.10.08

Reported Description:
If intermediate mass points are added to reducers after enabling the mass discretization option, the weight of reducers will be slightly smaller or larger than expected during an analysis. If the near end is larger than the far end of the reducer, then the reducer weight will be slightly larger than expected. If the near end is smaller than the far end of the reducer, then the reducer weight will be slightly smaller than expected. Normally, the reducer weight is derived from the average of the weight per unit length from each end of the reducer. When intermediate mass points are added to a reducer, the program incorrectly applies the weight per unit length of the near end instead of the far end to all intermediated mass points when computing the average weight per unit length for the intermediate elements of the reducer. Generally, the incorrect reducer weights do not affect the results significantly.


Program: AutoPIPE for Windows
Version: 6.10.09
Date: December 9, 2003
Patch No.: ap610p03
Developer: VH

The following error(s) have been corrected in this patch release:

Id: 3563
Enable Stoomwezen guarantee certificate page for Version 6.1

Submit Date: 12/9/2003 8:10:37 AM
Patch Version:6.10.09

Reported Description:
The Stoomwezen stress calculations in AutoPIPE v6.1 were examined by Lloyds Register and found to be in conformity with Para. 2.1 and 2.2 of Sheet G0501 on the Dutch Rules for Pressure Vessels on 21 Nov 2003. Each AutoPIPE output on paper shall have a guarantee cerificate in conformity with Para. 3.1.2 of Sheet G0501.
