03. How to model Vacuum Jacket on pipe connected to a Nozzle in AutoPIPE?

Applies To
Area: Modeling
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group

Dec 2014, AutoPIPE V8i


How to model Vacuum Jacket on pipe connected to a Nozzle?


Please see the following AutoPIPE help section: 

Help > Contents> Contents Tab> Modeling Approaches> Modeling Approaches> Nozzles, Model 1: Cylindrical Vessel Surface.

Using this model as a starting point, follow the instructions to model this example.

Note, understand the modeling here, the flexible joint represents the wall thickness of the vessel. Therefore unless the vacuum jacketed pipe continues inside of the vessel, select Node point A03 as the starting point of the vacuum jacket.

1. Select Pipe range from A00 to A03,

2. Select Copy command / icon,

3. Select Base point: A00

4. Besure the active point is A00 and select Paste command / icon,


5. Select Segment B, all.

6. Modify>  Pipe Properties Over Range> PipeID =14"std, pipe OD = 14", press OK button o accept


Pipe segments are restrained by Pipe supports, Soil supports, etc... Pipe segments can  be overlapped with out warning. It is the user responsibility to review any interference with-in AutoPIPE or to export a model for clash detection by another program. Example, at this point select segment A, notice how it protrudes through the pipe at the elbow locations. Select the large pipe elbows and change from Long radius to short radius.

7. Next, in order to connect the larger jacket pipe to the smaller internal pipe, select node point A00, Insert> Beam> To Point J = B00, section Id = 0 - ridgid

 8. Repeat step to connect Node point A03 to B03.

 9. Add as any additional node points for support spiders for the internal pipe connected to the Jacketed pipe.


Select Node point A01, insert> Run> Dx = 3 ft, press OK button, creates node point A05

Select Node pont B01, insert> Run> Dx = 3 ft, press OK button, creates node point B04.

To support the internal pipe (seg A) from the jacket pipe (seg B), select node point A05, Insert> Support> type =Vstop, Connected to point = B04  


Vstop A05 is no supported by pipe node point B04. As B04 moves so does the support holding A05. See Jacketing piping WIKI page for more details on this topic.

See Also

 Modeling Vessel / Nozzles

Bentley AutoPIPE