Q. Unable to read section database...message appears in AutoPIPE

Applies To
Area: Message
Date Logged
& Current Version
Feb. 2019


The following message dialog appears when trying to view insert a beam property. 

Beam Section:
Unable to read section database please make sure section databases are present


Why doe this occur and how to avoid it?


Open AutoPIPE's Preference Dialog as shown here:

Press the Program Data path Explore button. When the listing appears, confirm Section folder is shown. It should be as seen here. 

Regardless, go back to the Profile Preferences dialog in AutoPIPE and press the Reset Defaults button.  

Only enable the Beam Section databases option as shown here: 

Restart AutoPIPE, try to insert a beam, if the problem reappears, file a Bentley Service Request mentioning this WIKI and provide Section folder property detail details for review. 

See Also

"Beam Section" Messages displayed in AutoPIPE

Bentley AutoPIPE