08. How to create a Harmonic Spectrum Load in AutoPIPE?

Applies To
Area: Harmonic
Date Logged
& Current Version
March. 2019


How to create a Harmonic Spectrum Load in AutoPIPE?


Please see the following AutoPIPE help section:
Help > Contents> Contents Tab> Bentley AutoPIPE> Command Reference> Load Commands> Spectrum Group> Harmonic

This will explain how to add a harmonic load into AutoPIPE using a dialog. Otherwise, see the bottom of the document and click on "Creating an ASCII Harmonic Load File ". This will provide instructions on how to create the actual text file used by AutoPIPE. This is also the same type of file created by Bentley PULS and exported to AutoPIPE. 

See Also

Dynamic "Harmonic" Analysis

Bentley AutoPIPE