06d. "The client does not have access to this site".. message appears when trying to activate an Aut

Applies To
Date Logged
& Current Version
Jan. 2019


The following message appears when trying to activate a license:

Bentley LicenseTool

The client does not have access to this site


Why? and how to avoid?


Typical reasons why this message may appear, Client Access Restrictions that were configured on the SELECTserver administration site. Rules maybe configured to restrict traffic to private IP addresses. Furthermore, because Bentley license servers exists outside your firewall, your user may never see the private IP addresses, only your router's public IP address. This may effectively block access to all your users. To correct the immediate problem, please perform the following steps:

1. Open the SELECTserver administration site at:

2. Select Client Access Restrictions from the Site Configuration drop-down menu.

3. Either configure the rules with the public IP address for your router, or disable client access restrictions completely by selecting the radio button highlighted in the attached screenshot.

While Client Access Restrictions cannot restrict usage to a specific computer, they can still be used to restrict usage to a specific office. The following wiki provides more information:

 Please confirm whether AutoPIPE activates after the Client Access Restrictions are modified or disabled.

See Also

License Management Tool (LMT) issues

Bentley AutoPIPE