Q. How to receive Bentley emails about AutoPIPE and all other products?

If for any reason users indicate they aren’t receiving Bentley emails but want to, we recommend they be sure that they’ve “opted in”/agreed to receive communications from Bentley on their Bentley Profile. Here are 2 methods to modify your profile: 

This is something that the user must do. Privacy constraints do not permit Bentley colleagues to edit user preferences or add a user to a distribution list. When a user opts in, they should thereafter receive email communications. If they still do not receive the email invitations, then please log a Service Request. This should contain the user's current work email address (the same one that they would use to register for a Bentley event) to research the problem. This will help ensure that Bentley has the correct information and best resolve the problem.

Click here to register for Bentley Events, Webinar, On Demand / Classroom Learning and industry events 

And of course, there’s always the possibility that Bentley emails can’t get past a firewall or that we’ve been blocked. Not much we can do in that case; however, it might be helpful to save email@info.bentley.com as a contact (that’s the actual from address associated with Bentley emails).