How Do I Install Bentley AutoPIPE CONNECT or

Applies To
Area: Install
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Dec 2017


How do I Install Bentley AutoPIPE CONNECT v. or v.


Note: procedure below can be used for versions: &

Install AutoPIPE using:

a. Automatic installation method


b. Manual installation method


1. There is a possibility that the computer may need to be restarted, therefore highly suggested to save all current work and close all running applications before continuing below. 

2. Average time to install

i. if all .Net file are currently NOT installed, approximately 25+ minutes

ii. if all .Net file are currently installed, approximately 10 - 12 minutes

3. This procedure assumes that Select Server XM has been install and configured, If not please contact the license group to assist you.

4. User currently logged into the computer must have full Administration rights.

5. Suggest program installed by accepting all the default settings

6. Prefer that the application not be installed over a network connection; suggest that the EXE file is on the users system before starting the installation.

7. If AutoPIPE 11.00.xx.xx and lower versions, already installed, suggest using add/remove programs uninstall:
       i.  all previous versions of AutoPIPE
       ii. " PCF to NTL translator
       iii. " ADLPipe to NTL translator
       iv. " Bentley STRAIT

A> Automatic Installation method:

Following procedure can be used If AutoPIPE or higher has already been installed. Otherwise see Manual installation below:

Install Dependencies:

Install any additional updates or dependencies (i.e OpenPLANT Isometric Manager, ProjectWise, etc..).

Detailed installation procedures for these other applications can be found on other WIKI pages or in readme files.

Click here to see additional information below

B> Manual installation method:

Navigate to the EXE file download using the download procedure.

Double click on the "ap11020008en.exe" to start the installation process.

Note: Be patient while the application is installing as it is checking to verify programs already installed, verifying drive space, etc.. there may be periods when it appears nothing is happening. Give the system time. In the event the installation stops a warning / error will be presented. Just follow the prompts and be patient. Highly recommended that all applications are closed during the installation process. On average it will take 12 - 15 min to install everything.

See Movie below:

Note: If the following screen below appears, the user must restart the computer before the installation can be completed, click "Restart Now Button". Otherwise press "Restart Later" button to close the installation process, close all applications that are running, and then manually restart the computer to complete AutoPIPE installation. 


After restarting, the application will automatically continue installing.

After clicking Finish button, AutoPIPE readme file will be displayed, click here for details of this file.

You are Finished !!!

 AutoPIPE has now been installed:

Failed to install:

If the program will not install based on the instructions above, please log a Bentley Service Request mentioning this page and include a copy of the Error log mentioned above

Install Dependencies:

Install any Dependencies that were also downloaded (typically double click on the EXE files that were downloaded, i.e OpenPLANT Isometric Manager, ProjectWise, etc..).

Detailed installation procedures for these other applications can be found on other WIKI pages or readme files.

Continue Installing AutoPIPE:

Before starting AutoPIPE, continue to STEP #3: Set-Up Licensing 

See Also

Download, Install, and License AutoPIPE CONNECT 11.00.xx.xx and higher

Bentley AutoPIPE