07. How to create / import a Time History file into AutoPIPE?

Applies To
Environment: N/A
Area: Modeling
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Jan. 2017


How to create or import a Time History file into AutoPIPE


Time history analysis offers comprehensive analysis capabilities for short and long duration dynamic loads such as earthquake, water hammer loads, relief valve blowout, etc. This method provides a more accurate solution of the system response than response spectrum analysis.  AutoPIPE does not have a specific import feature to import dynamic loads from other applications.In AutoPIPE, Time History information is stored in 2 user defined strictly formatted files:

THP or


Time history (Profile) data files. These files are assigned to each time history load case (M1 - M50) at the time a time history analysis is performed.


Time History Load application data.

Options to update AutoPIPE with Time history data

Option #1: Input directly on the dialog provided

Option #2: Copy and then Paste information from Excel into dialog (see video below)


Option #3: Create an ASCII text file (*.TIH) using standard text editor software. Example of a TIH file shown here:

AutoPIPE help provides details on how to create this TIH file, please see the following AutoPIPE help section:

Help > Contents> Contents Tab> Bentley AutoPIPE> Command Reference>  Loads Command> Time History Profile> near the bottom of the page select the hyperlink for "Creating an ASCII Time History (TIH) File "

In order to use this file it must be located in the same folder as the model, have have the file extension *.TIH, and would be Linked to the THL file as indicated in the example file below:

Note: In a THL file, column heading for "TIH FILE". This states at a specific node point (ex. A04F) there is a TIH profile (ex. STPA04F) associated that will impact with a scaled value of xxx (ex. 1.00) in direction xxx (ex. Dx=-1) at time xxx (ex. 0.002797 sec) after the transient starts, with xxx amount of force (ex. 125217.59).   

THL  - Time History Load data can also be input directly on the dialog provided,

Or an ASCII text file (*.THL) can be generated using standard text editor software. An example of a THL file was shown above (ex. STP.THL). 

AutoPIPE help provides details on how to create this THL file, please see the following AutoPIPE help section:

Help > Contents> Contents Tab> Bentley AutoPIPE> Command Reference> Loads Command> Time History Location> near the bottom of the page select the hyperlink for "Creating an ASCII Time History Load File (THL)"

In order to use this file it must be located in the same folder as the model, have have the file extension *.THL, and would be Linked to the model by specifying the file name on the Dynamic Analysis dialog> Time History Tab, example below:


Note: both of these files have strict format that must be followed including file naming convention. 


Can a TIH file be imported and the rest of the fluid transient files be generated by AutoPIPE automatically?


Yes, but one must exercise extreme caution. 

A TIH file are the Force profiles applied to the bend at some time during the tranient, shown above (ex. STPA04F). The THL or Time History Location file links the Force profile based on file name (see image above, ex. STP). Therefore, Yes the TIH files can be manually created / imported. However, the profile names must be correctly named and used in the THL file as indicated above. 

See Also

Dynamic "Time History" Analysis

Creating an ASCII Time History (TIH) File

Bentley AutoPIPE