Export SQLite Database - AutoPIPE Technology Preview

Applies To
Environment: N/A
Area: Technology Preview
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
March. 2017


a. If using AutoPIPE CONNECT or higher, this feature is already available in the program: File> Import/Export> Export> SQlite database (*.db)

b. If using AutoPIPE CONNECT 10.x log a service request asking for instructions to enable this feature. 

Export SQLite Database


The Export SQLite Database Technology Preview enables users to export input, output and hanger selection data to an SQLite database.


The following are the limitations associated with this Technology Preview.

Sample Workflow

1. Select File > Export > SQLITE Database (*.db) [Technology Preview] to display the Export to SQLITE Database dialog 

2. Enable the Select All checkbox to select all data to be exported. Enabling this checkbox automatically enables the Input, Output, and Hanger Selection checkboxes.

3. Enable the Input checkbox to export input data only.

4. Enable the Output checkbox to export output data only.

5. Enable the Hanger Selection checkbox to export the selected hanger data only.

6. Enable the Open Database in AutoPIPE Report Manager checkbox to automatically open the AutoPIPE Report Manager when the export is completed.

7. Press OK. The SQLite database file is exported to the same directory as the current model file and uses the name of the model file (e.g. MODELNAME.DB). 

Additional Information

Please see the following AutoPIPE help section:

Help > Contents> Contents Tab> Bentley AutoPIPE> Command Reference> File Commands> Import/Export Group> Export t SQLITE Database (*.db)


See Also

AutoPIPE Technology Previews

Bentley AutoPIPE