Q. CORA and MTOL from the PIPE command card does not appear to be properly interpreted when importin

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, V8i 
Area: Import
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
June 2015


On the NTL Command Card reference for "Pipe - Pipe Data". See CORA and MTOL do not appear to be properly interpreted for PIPID's when importing my file. CORA = 1.0 yet import message file (*.MSG) claims Corrosion > thk. Furthermore, "MTOL" should be 10. but when open in AutoPIPE it shows 1.191. 

Please explain why this is?


In this specific case, the original NTL file had the following:

PIPE MATID01 609.6000 9.5250 1.0000 10.0000


Pipe of = 609.6 mm
Wall thickness = 9.525 mm
Corrosion Allow = 1.0 mm
Mill Tolerance = 10.0 mm

When importing the NTL file the following warning is displayed:

PIPE MATID01 609.6000 9.5250 1.0000 10.0000
*** WARNING: Corrosion > thk. Corrosion set to 0.

Therefore when reviewing the imported file in AutoPIPE, the following settings were found:

Pipe of = 609.6 mm
Wall thickness = 9.525 mm
Corrosion Allow = 0.0 mm
Mill Tolerance = 1.191 mm

The question is where does 1.1961 come from?

See the online help for this Mill Tolerance Field on the Pipe Properties Dialog screen:

This value is used in the calculation of hoop stress. The default is 12.5% of the pipe thickness.

Therefore, 9.525 * 12.5% = 1.190625 rounded up = 1.191mm

If you want to know how to correctly update a NTL file to import some user defined values; create an AutoPIPE model (*.DAT) file with the correct values desired during importing an NTL file. Then Export the AutoPIPE file to an NTL file, open the NTL file created by AutoPIPE in any word editing program, and review the NTL format created based on your settings. This is a practical approach to learning the Command Cards used to format an NTL file.

See Also

Bentley AutoPIPE