Q. Confirm - This model may be affected by a previous program defect.... message in AutoPIPE

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, V8i 
Area: Message
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
June 2015


When opening a model from a previous version (ex. 09.04.xx.xx) into a newer version of the application (ex. 09.05.xx.xx), the program performs a scan and notifies the user of potential issues by displaying a dialog box with some information. The user has the option to select one of the following: YES, No,  or Cancel buttons.

 This model may be affected by a previous program defect
 #10751 in which the reported stress results may be incorrect.
 Would you like to review the evaluation report?
Yes   No   Cancel   


if you Select:  Yes - 

Additional details about the issue are automatically displayed in the AutoPIPE Report Viewer


Defect #10751 Evaluation Report                                               
  @ Model Name:       @Underground_Firewater_Piping_System                      
  @ Model Version:    @                                              
  @ Program Version:  @                                              
  @ Report Filename:  @Underground_Firewater_Piping_System_D10751.TXT           
The reported stress values for soil points and kinks are revised in this version of program to correct Defect #10751.
Please refer to the published Defect Report for more details and instructions. To assist in the screening of this model for any potential impact by this defect, this program has examined the model's database and     
  has found that the stresses should be re-computed using this program version. After saving this model or running any analyses in this version or later commercial release versions, this screening will no longer be performed.

Note: select the following hyperlink to review procedure and limitations to accessing the published defect reports (aka AutoPIPE Error Reports).

Select No or Cancel:

AutoPIPE will not display the information and continue the process of searching for other known defects to be displayed and ultimately open the model in the program. 

See Also

Bentley AutoPIPE