"The required information is missing for this flange" - Bentley Message in AutoPIPE

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Area: Message
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group

Nov 2014, AutoPIPE V8i


The following is displayed when trying to analyze a flange in the flange analysis module (Tools> Model Options> Flange Analysis):

Bentley AutoPIPE
The required information is missing for this flange.

Why does the is happen and how to resolve it?


With the Flange Analysis module open, confirm which Analysis Method is being used, ANSI check or other. For ANSI check Analysis Method, review the ANSI Check tab only. If Analysis Methods is ASME Section VIII Div 1, ASME Section VIII Div 2, or ASME Section III Appendix X the user must review 5 tabs of data (i.e. Load, Flange, Pipe, Bolts, and Gaskets). For each tab confirm that all the values needed are not blank or 0.00 (see Tips and Tricks feature)

Example: For Analysis Method =  ASME Section VIII Div. 1, on the Load tab, it is optional for External Pressure = 0.00:

However, upon further review of Pipe, Flange, and Bolt  Tabs, the Allow. Stress At Amb. Temp. = 0.00 deg C:

This is Wrong. There should be a value here instead of 0.00.

Looking back on the Load Tab, what is the Amb temp.setting:

 Amb temp = -20.0 deg C.

Select any one of the 3 tabs (Flange, Pipe or Bolt  Tabs) and press the "Select" button in the "Select Material" column that corresponding to the specific flange row in question. 

The minimum Temperature Dependent property for this selected material = -6.67 deg C. Therefore the Ambient Temperature on the other tab should not be any higher than -6.67 deg C. Otherwise the value must be changed in the model. Use the following procedure to update the data accordingly:  

1. Change the ambient temperature from -20 deg D to within the material allowable table values -6.67 to 898.89 deg C, re-analyze the model, and re-enter the Flange Analysis module. 

2. Update the Allow. Stress at Amb Temp values by changing the Flange Material on the Flange Tab, Pipe Material on the Pipe Tab, and Bolt Material on the Bolt tab to a different value and then back to the same value. Example: on the Flange Material tab, change SA-105 to SA106-b for all rows, notice that the values in the table to the far right were updated. Once more, change the material value from SA106-b back into SA-105. Using the power if the grids update the other rows as needed. Repeat same procedure for the other 2 tabs.

3. Continue to review and update the tabs as needed. When completed return to the Analysis Tab. 

4. On the Analysis Tab, check the flanges to be analyzed and press the analyze button. If all the data has been entered and refreshed the following should appear :

Bentley AutoPIPE
Total number of flange analyzed : 75

 Note: Total number may be different per your analysis.

Typical Procedure

1. Select Analyze> Delete Analysis results.

2. Run AutoPIPE analysis.
         (Note: cannot use flange analysis utility until the following has been performed: Analyzed All> Static Analysis).

3. Select Tool> Flange Analysis

4. On the Analysis tab, select those node points to be analyze by checking the box in the column for Analyze.

If the following appears while adding a check in the analyze box:

Bentley AutoPIPE
The required information is missing for this flange.

This message means that there is missing information required by the application before any Flange Analysis can be performed.

For each analysis method, complete the following tabs:

A. ASME Section VIII -  Load, Flange, Pipe, Bolts, and Gasket tabs
        (Note: Available in AutoPIPE Advance and Nuclear editions ONLY Note:

B. ASME Section III, Appendix XI - Load, Flange, Pipe, Bolts, and Gasket tabs
        (Note: Available in AutoPIPE Advance and Nuclear editions ONLY Note:

C. ANSI Check -  ANSI check tab.
        (Note: Available in all AutoPIPE editions; i.e. Standard, Advance, and Nuclear).

Double check to be sure all settings are correct on all tabs for the selected analysis method above.

All material fields on the respective tabs should have a value. If using NS (Non Standard) material, be sure to update all white fields with user information. In general, there should be no blank or 0.00 values used unless intended.

Sometimes when exiting the flange analysis and reopening the dialog, some of the data maybe missing. Again, before running an flange analysis check the respective tabs for blank or 0.00 values in fields.

Note: See Flange Analysis Trouble shooting tips and tricks in AutoPIPE 

See Also

"Bentley AutoPIPE" Messages

Bentley AutoPIPE

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