06. How to set HOOP Stress allowable for both Operating or Design Pressure in AutoPIPE?

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Date Logged
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April. 2018


How to set HOOP Stress allowable for both Operating or Design Pressure in AutoPIPE?

Design Code = ASME B31.1 - 2014

Operating case: Temp 1 = 100 deg F,  Press 1 = 100 psi

Design case:      Temp 2 = 999 deg F,  Press 1 = 999 psi

How to set up the Hoop stress combination to calculate the correct hoop stress allowable for the respective temperature?


According to AutoPIPE help for ASME B31.1 - 2014, the hoop allowable is set to WxSE, 

If more than one operating load condition exists there may be more than one P and SE value (since SE is dependent on the temperature defined in the corresponding thermal load case). Results are output for the operating load condition which produces the smallest margin (i.e., smallest value of W.SE -shoop) at each point

Additional AutoPIPE help notes mention:

1. By default, the program considers the maximum pressure from all cases and the minimum Sh from all cases. To evaluate one case only, define the specific P case in the MaxP code combination e.g. "MaxP" = (hoop)  + P2

Therefore, create 2 new user combinations as follows:

Look at the Code Stress Report for these hoop stress combinations to confirm that the Allowable has been set correctly:

MaxP (Maximum) Allowable = 9000 psi

Hoop-P1 (Operating case):  Allowable = 13700 psi

Hoop-P2 (Design case):      Allowable = 9000 psi

See Also

Bentley AutoPIPE