04. How does AutoPIPE know which of the loads in the “User Code Combination” window is to be consid

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, V8i 
Area: Code Combinations
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
May 2015


Per AutoPIPE's online help for ASME B31.3 - 2008, Stresses Due to Occasional Loads, equation I.4-4 indicates that AutoPIPE first calculates the SRSS of the occasional load moments, and adds the result to SL .  How does AutoPIPE know which of the loads in the “User Code Combination” window is to be considered an Occasional Load(s)? as I want to combine the effects of (SUS) + Wind + Ice load in a new user combination where "U1" load case is a Sustained Load and I only want "W1" load case to be an Occasional Load used in the calculation of Mio and Moo in the equation.  How can I control this?


As mentioned above, all basic load cases, e.g. GR, T1, W1, U1 etc have only moment results and hence (S) does not apply. Suggest creating a new combinations where the ice load (U1) is added to the SUS  load case:

Then create a combination combining the effects of (SUS+Ice) + Wind:

Where the stresses  (Sus and Ice) are added into the equation under S and the occasional W1 moments are summed by SRSS in the code equations:



See Also

"Code Comb" tab Questions

Bentley AutoPIPE