08. Why does AutoPIPE's DNV code combination for collapse P1..Pn use only T1..Tn load case and not P

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, V8i 
Area: Combinations
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
May 2015


Why does DNV code combination for collapse P1..Pn use only T1..Tn load case and not P1..Pn load case?

Please explain?


AutoPIPE code compliance output report will display a single combination with no load cases defined for each analysis set. The external pressure at the point less minimum pressure defined in DNV 2012 options dialog will be reported for that combination as the calculated pressure.

Since each analysis set has a setting to retard the creation of P1...Pn load cases ( Load> Static Analysis Set> modify analysis set> "Calculate pressure extension cases, e.g. P1, P2, etc") it becomes imperative for the program to be able to relate the correct Pressure case for the collapse calculation. Another words, if "Calculate pressure extension cases, e.g. P1, P2, etc" was checked OFF, P1…Pn load cases would not be created and therefore could not be assigned in the respective collapse calculations. Subsequently, the best alternative was to associate the Temperature case (ex. T1(1)) and thus the respective Pressure case (ex. P1(1)) would then be used in the actual collapse calculation (ex. Collapse P1(1)).

See Also

"Code Comb" tab Questions

Bentley AutoPIPE