03. When creating a new AutoPIPE User defined combination on the Code Comb tab, is the order of the

Applies To
Area: combination
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
May 2015


When creating a new AutoPIPE User defined combination on the Code Comb tab, is the order of the load cases / combinations of any consequence?


While on the Code Comb tab, press the NEW button to create a new user code combination. This will display the following dialog screen:

See AutoPIPE help for details on each setting in the dialog. At this time, a code combination can add up to a total of 10 load cases or existing combinations to create a new combination to be calculated by the analysis. There is NO consequences to order of load cases like that used with a Non-linear analysis.

Care should be taken in understanding

Any results from this combination can be severely affected with changed to these settings. Especially how the load cases added to a user combinations are combined, the moment level, the stress level, or both (see AutoPIPE help for more information on M/S setting). 


In addition, what allowable is to be used.for the new user defined combination.  The user has 2 option:

1. Set to Automatic, where the allowable is based on the category of the code

2. Enter a value that overrides the Automatic calculated value.

The choice is up to the individual. 

See Also

"Code Comb" tab Questions

Bentley AutoPIPE