| Applies To | | |
| Product: | AutoPIPE | |
| First Affected Version: | | |
| Found in Version: | | |
| Fixed and Released in Version: | 11.03.00.xx | |
| Area: | All | |
| Severity: | High | |
| Backlog Issue Number: | 805881 | |
• Severity: 1 - High
• First Affected Build:
• Affected Product: AutoPIPE
• Affected Versions: ALL
• Program Affected: Yes
• Program Help Affected: No
• Documentation Affected: No
Problem Description
The wind load and hydrotest load are not applied on a segment if 'Apply Snow' load option is unchecked in segment properties.
Steps to Repeat
- Create new model with Piping code B31.3 and default code year
- On New Segment Properties, supply 'A' as Pipe ID, press OK
- Set Nominal diameter to 12 and schedule to STD, Pipe material to A53-A, press OK
- Set pressure to 200 Psi and Temperature to 250c in Operating pressure/temperature dialog
- Add an anchor at point A00 and create a new run point A01 in vertical direction (DY=10 ft)
- Create a wind load with default properties in global X direction and a pressure at highest height 1000 psf.
- Add hydrotest load properties with T1 as Test temperature case and P1 and Test Pressure case, both with a factor of 2.0.
- Add a snow load with Weight/Length method with value 5 lb/in
- Goto static analysis dialog
- Add W1 to first load set
- Create a new hydrotest load set and analyze the model
- Goto Results->Output report and view displacement report
- Deflections can be observed in Wind{1} and Hydrotest{2} combinations for point A01
- Goto segment grid and uncheck "Apply Snow" checkbox
- Run the analysis and view the displacement report again
- It can be observed that no deflections have been reported against Wind{1} and Hydrotest{2} combinations, same issue can be observed with forces & moments and code compliance report
Create a snow load to enable 'Apply Snow' load check box in segment properties.
Check the 'Apply Snow' checkbox in segment properties.
The program must apply hydrotest and wind loads correctly to irrespective of snow load settings.
Also See:
Critical and High issues released in v.11.03.00
Known Issues in AutoPIPE (Enhancements, defects, etc..)
Bentley AutoPIPE