06. What value of Bend radius is AutoPIPE using when calculating the SIF of a 3/4" NPS, when radius

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, V8i 
Area: Calculation
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
July 2015


What value of Bend radius is AutoPIPE using when calculating the SIF of a 3/4" NPS,  when radius = short, Long, 3D, and 5D ?


Press the help button and select the hyperlink for "Bend Radius";  excerpt from help:

Bend radius
The bend radius defines the near and far points of the bend. The options for this field are: Long (radii 1.5 times the nominal pipe diameter),...etc..

Therefore, the SIF calculation is based on the value entered in this dialog. However, when Short, Long, 3D, or 5D is selected, the value of Bend Radius is calculated based on the information mentioned in the Help above.

See Also

Bentley AutoPIPE