Applies To | |
Product(s): | AutoPIPE |
Version(s): | Connect and higher |
Environment: | N/A |
Area: | Calculations |
Original Author: | Bentley Technical Support Group |
Date Logged & Current Version | Nov. 2016 |
How to calculate the ISO 14692 allowable?
There is no place to enter the f2 and f3 values or thermal expansion coefficient.
Please see the following AutoPIPE help section for general Code equations used by the program:
Help > Contents> Contents Tab> Reference Information> Code Compliance Calculations> ISO 14692> select a topic (ex. Allowable Stresses)
The expansion coefficient, along with other ISO 14692 specific inputs, are located on the Operating Pressure and Temperature dialog box:
Select All or part of an open model that is using ISO 14692 piping code and under Modify> Operating Pressure and Temperature> enter values as needed:
The f2 factor for the 3 different stress categories is found in the Results Model Options (Tools>Model Options>Result) dialog box:
As for the expansions allowable:
AutoPIPE does not calculate the expansion allowable for ISO 14692, as this allowable is not provided by the code. Only option to enter in a user allowable for any expansion cases by going to the Load Combination (Tools>Combinations) dialog box, unchecking “Auto Update” in any expansion case and inputting the allowable values based on the units for that column.
Note: It would also be helpful for you to go through the new Nonmetallic Piping Training video available on the LEARNserver.