Applies To | |
Product(s): | AutoPIPE |
Version(s): | ALL; |
Area: | Calculations |
Date Logged & Current Version | April. 2014 |
Original issue description: strength check on a pipe (ex. 18 inch) riser under operating condition using AutoPIPE.
Results show that the Maximum Utilization Ratio for a single load case – bursting (ex. P5) was some value (ex. 0.62). However the Maximum Utilization Ratio for combined load case (Gravity +Temperature +Pressure) was a much smaller value (ex. 0.03).
Why is the max combined UR value less than the max UR of a single load case?
The interaction ratio or the utilization ratio can be loosely described as sum of squares of the ratio of applied stress to allowable plastic limits. As these stress ratios are lower than 1, squaring them would give you an even smaller number.
Following are the detailed calculations for the GRTP5_U{1} combination at point A03 (English Units) from an example model:
D outer wall diameter = 18.00 in
t wall thickness = 0.9842 in
fy Characteristic material strength = 55416.02 psi
fu Characteristic ultimate strength = 69896.59 psi
fcb = Min[fy ; fu/1.15]
= Min[55416.02 ; 60779.64]
= 55,416.02
γm (Gamma m) = 1.15
γSC (Gamma SC) = 1.26
MSd (Design moment) = 131549.9 lb/in
αc = 1.12
Mp(t2) = fy x (D-t)2 x t
= 55416.02 x (18.00-0.9842)2 x 0.9842
= 15,792,236
Mterm (Moment term) = γm x γSC x [MSd / (αc x Mp(t2))]
= 1.15 x 1.26 x [131549.9 / (1.12 x 15,792,236)]
= 0.0107
SSd (Design effective axial force) = 13930.13 lb
Sp(t2) = fy x π x (D-t) x t
= 55416.02 x 3.14 x (18.00-0.9842) x 0.9842
= 2,915,698
Fterm (Force term) = γm x γSC x [SSd / (αc x Sp(t2))]
= 1.15 x 1.26 x [13930.13 / (1.12 x 2,915,698)]
= 0.00467
αp = 1-β
= 1 – 0.4635
= 0.5365
pi = 2538.16 psi
pe = 0.0 psi
pb(t2) = [2 x t / (D – t)] x fcb x (2/30.5)
= [2 x 0.9842 / (18.00 – 0.9842)] x 55,416.02 x 1.155
= 7,404.2
Pterm (Pressure term) = αp x [(pi – pe) / (αc x pb(t2))]
= 0.5365 x [(2,538.16 – 0.0) / (1.12 x 7,404.2)]
= 0.1642
Interaction ratio = [Mterm + Fterm2]2 + Pterm2
= [0.0107 + 0.004672]2 + 0.16422
= 0.02707 (Result displayed by AutoPIPE)