03. What do I do with the "Software Download and Licensing Information" email from Bentley?

Applies To
Area: License
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Mar. 2015


I received the following attachment in an email from Bentley: 

What do I do with this "Software Download and Licensing Information" email? 


This document contains key pieces of information to download and license this software mentioned within Highly suggest to read the entire document (typically 2 pages). After reading the document you should be able to find the following important information:

1. Software download link

2. Server Name

3. Site Activation Key

Please use the following procedure:

1. Copy / Paste the download link provided into a web browser (ex. Internet Explorer, IE).

2. The following page should appear, press the "Download" hyperlink on the right, as shown below:

3. Be sure to read the "Bentley Web Properties Terms of Use" agreement, and press the Accept button if you agree to these terms:

4. Depending on your browser application (i.e. IE) , a small window maybe displayed containing the following commands, "Run, Save, and Cancel", suggest saving the file first before running it in case there is a blip in the internet communication during the time for the run command to complete:

5. Again, depending on your internet software (ex. IE) the following will be displayed when the software download has been completed:

6. At this point, send / move the downloaded file to the computer where the application is to be installed, and Run the .EXE file to start the installation process.

7. There are many Bentley products that could have been downloaded and installed, this tutorial will focus on AutoPIPE Vessel, screen shots may be different for your specific application, however the concept is the same. 

8. Follow the on screen prompts to install the software. Depending what version of the software is being installed the Product Activation Wizard may or may not appear. Choose the proper link below to continue:

Product Activation Wizard appeared

Product Activation Wizard DID NOT appeared

See Also

User Profile License Issues

Bentley AutoPIPE