03. How to map segment name to an specific attribute using PCF translator in AutoPIPE?

Applies To
Environment: N/A
Area: Import
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Dec. 2016


How to map segment name to an specific attribute using PCF translator in AutoPIPE?

Example: Map attribute "PIPELINEP-REFERENCE" to segment Line Number


First start by closing AutoPIPE and PCF translator

Next , manually open the PCFin.MAP file from the following folder location using any text editor (i.e. Ultra Edit, NotePad ++, MS Word, etc..):

%appdata%\ Bentley\PCF Translator\ PCFin.MAP

Than scroll (search) down the file until [SETTINGS], by default should be around line # 735.

Note that by default the "LINENUMBER" is set to "MISC-SPEC1"

Change this settings so "LINENUMBER" is now set to "PIPELINEP-REFERENCE"

Note: Maintain column alignment with the row above, PIPELINE... should start in column #18.

Save the file and close the PCFin.MAP file

Start PCF translator and import the PCF file. The segment Line number will now be shown correctly as shown above. . 

See Also

Mapping examples from PCF translator

Bentley AutoPIPE