05. How to download, install, and license AutoPIPE 2004 v.08.05.xx.xx - 08.06.xx.xx?

Applies To
Environment: N/A
Area: Install
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
July 2015


Download, Update, and Install AutoPIPE 2004

Download the Programs:

See the following WIKI  here for downloading the following applications:

Note, the following applications are no longer available for download:

Please file a Bentley Service Request asking for these versions to made available to you. 

After downloading all 4 of the applications above continue with the following steps below.

Install AutoPIPE

AutoPIPE 6.0 to 9.0 are not authorized to run on Windows VISTA, Win7 or higher; doing so will be at your own risk. Since the application has not been tested on these Operating Systems, Bentley cannot guarantee the program functionality and/or output results. No technical support will be provided for this installation. Please install on Windows XP SP2 or later, or Windows 2000 SP4 or later and continue with following instructions.

Note: another option would be to install these applications on a Virtual Machine (VM) with the correct OS but capable of being run with in a Virtual environment on the latest architecture. 

  1. Uninstall previous version of AutoPIPE
  2. Back up your existing project files
  3. From the Control Panel> select Add or Remove Programs
  4. Select Bentley AutoPIPE
  5. Press the “Change/Remove” button.
  6. Complete the process to remove/delete the application.
  7. Select “Start”, “Run”, “Browse”
  8. Locate the AutoPIPE file downloaded.
  9. Accept all default settings.
  10. Do not start the application at this time

Download Plant Security

Download Plant Security Manager v08.06.00.01 by clicking on the following link:


Save the application file to your hard drive.

(Note: Do not run this application from the web site)

Re-install Plant Security

  1. From Control Panel > Add/Remove Programs, uninstall Plant Security. 
  2. If it is in the list, uninstall Rebis Security.
  3. From Windows Explorer, delete:
    “C:\Program Files\Bentley\program\licensing\Plant Security”
    and, if present,
    “C:\Program Files\Rebis\Rebis Security”.
  4. Run RegEdit
    1. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Bentley\Security: Remove PathName key
    2. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths Remove rebscm.exe
  5. Locate the Plant Security file downloaded.
  6. Select “Start”, “Run”, “Browse”
  7. Open the folder and run “psm08060001en.exe”
  8. Accept all the default options
  9. Restart the computer

Install Bentley SelectSERVER and SelectSERVER Gateway

Install Bentley SelectSERVER and Bentley SelectSERVER Gateway in the correct locations as directed in their installation instructions.

Create a Select SERVER Gateway pointer file

For those using PreXM applications licensing on a Select SERVER XM require a pointer file. The pointer file points the application to the location of the Select SERVER GATEWAY.

These files go on the user’s computer.

Log onto the computer where the Select Server GATEWAY was installed. Navigate to the following location: (Assuming XP OS) Start> Setting> Control Panel> System> Computer Name Tab> Copy the full computer name, EXACTLY, to the first dot (computer domain name extensions are not required).

The Pointer file contains the following one line of information:

SERVER=“SS computer name

Open a text editor, such as notepad; copy the above information into the program file. Modify the red words with the computer name from the Select Server GATEWAY computer. The name is case sensitive and the “ “ are required.

After completing the modification, select File> Save As> save this file to the C:\Program Files\Bentley\program\licensing using each of the file names listed below: Make sure the file is saved as a .lic file and not a .txt file

AutoPIPE Pointer Files Names:

Note: the number one failure of licensing is correct spelling and syntax of the pointer files. All the files contain the same information just different file names. Be vigilant when creating these files.

Start the AutoPIPE application

Step 1: Select the AutoPIPE program icon from:

Start> Program> AutoPIPE> AutoPIPE for Windows

Step 2: The Welcome to AutoPIPE screen will appear.

Step 3: Depending on your Select SERVER contract; Press AutoPIPE Standard or AutoPIPE Plus button.

Step 4: If licensing was correctly installed, the application is now checking for an available license. If a valid license has been located, the “Welcome to AutoPIPE” screen disappears and the application is ready for use.

Verify by inspecting the top of the application bar. The specified design code should appear in the applications bar at the top of the application window.


Step 5: If the licensing is not correctly done. 

Trouble shooting

Applications that should be installed: (if not please update)

User's computer:

Company Server:

Confirm the following are updated and status set to started (control panel/admin tools/services/)

Note: If the program reverts to DEMO mode, confirm licensing settings (especially pointer file names and location)

Confirm the location of the pointer files:

Select Start> Run> regedit.

After the program opens navigate to the following location:


On the right pane/window find PathName = ?????

Document this PathName. Move all the LIC (license) files into this directory.

Confirm the Gateway service:

Contact the Select Server Admin, request that they check the Select Server Gateway services are started.

On the Gateway computer, Select Control Panel> Administration Tools> Services> Bentley Select Server Gateway> Status > Started.

If you are having troubles with the Select Server Gateway on the server, install the Select Server Gateway on the client’s computer and reconfigure the Gateway Pointer files with the correct computer name. Again verify that the Gateway Service are started.

Update Select Server Software:

There are known issue that occurred with earlier versions of Select Server XM. Suggest updating to current version
Also, confirm there is no check out restrictions for the application or user, and the application is available for checkout.

Registering Plant Security:

    1. Verify that user is logged on with Administrative privileges.
    2. If, not log off, and have a user with Admin. privileges log on.
    3. Control Panel> Add/Remove Programs> Uninstall current version of PLANT SECURITY
    4. Delete following directory:  “C:\Program Files\Bentley\program\licensing\Plant”
    5. Copy psm08060001en to C: drive.
    6. Run/load psm08060001en from computer hard drive.
    7. Reboot computer
    8. Try to run AutoPIPE application
    9. If error screen appears as before (Error 1911 or 1905), use following procedure to register the RebSCM.exe.
      1. Locate the file RebSCM.exe
        File should be found under:
         “C:\Program Files\Bentley\program\licensing\Plant Security\bin\ RebSCM.exe”
      2. Select Start> Run> type the following on the cmd line:

        Regsvr32 pathname
        example: Regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Bentley\program\licensing\Plant Security\bin\RebSCM.exe" (must use “”)

      3. The following screen appears, Press OK button.

    10. Start AutoPIPE

Use Plant Security check in/out feature to license application:

On the user's computer, assuming OS is XP:

    1. Log off, and have someone with Local Administrative rights log on.
    2. Select Start > Programs> Bentley> Plant Security> License Check In/out.
    3. After the program started, press Browse button, and browse to the LIC files at:  C:\Program Files\Bentley\program\licensing.
    4. Select the autopipe.lic or  autopipepl.lic file and press Open button.

      1. If the gateway is working and license is available on the Select Server XM, you should see a list of all your applications and number of days left in the license term.
      2. If the term is past due, please contact the license group to update your contract
      3. If you do not see this list, verify: LIC file content is correct, computer connection to the server, gateway services are started, and the Select Server XM is on.

        You cannot continue until you see this list.

    5. Highlight / Select AutoPIPE from the available listed products and press Check Out button.
    6. The select product license should also appear in the lower section of the dialog screen.
    7. Please try to start AutoPIPE on this user computer.
    8. Now, close AutoPIPE, check the license back in using Plant Security, highlight the AutoPIPE license in the lower section and press Check-in button.
    9. After the license has been checked back in, try to Start AutoPIPE again on the same computer.
    10. On a separate user's computer try to start AutoPIPE. Everything should be working now (if the 2nd computer fails to open AutoPIPE correctly, repeat steps A-J on the 2nd computer)

Restart the Select Server and Gateway:

On the machine that SELECT Server XM is installed on

 (***Please note:  If this is Select Server or newer please copy the YACLAP.dll from C:\Program Files\Bentley\SELECTserver\Bin to C:\Program Files\Bentley\SELECTserver then run the following from a command line.***)

      1. Type NETSTOP "Bentley SELECT Server Gateway" and press ENTER
      2. Type NET START "Bentley SELECT Server Gateway" and press ENTER
      1. Type NET STOP "Bentley SELECT Server" and press ENTER
      2. Type NET START "Bentley SELECT Server" and press ENTER

Check out license to the Bentley Gateway computer:

Pre-XM versions of AutoPIPE are known to have issues with the SELECT Server Gateway. However, the following workaround may resolve the problem.

This process checks out a license for AutoPIPE Plus on the Gateway that will be used to satisfy license requests for pre-XM versions of the product on client workstations.

The Gateway license workaround makes the Plant Security Check-in-out workaround in Step #1 unnecessary. A license does not need to be checked out on the client machine prior to opening AutoPIPE. AutoPIPE should automatically retrieve a license when opened now that a license is checked out on the Gateway

As for the cause, AutoPIPE licenses work differently than most other Bentley product licenses. This different behavior does not work well with the SELECT Server Gateway. AutoPIPE XM and later versions do not use the SELECT Server Gateway, avoiding the problem altogether.

After 30 days, the license would be automatically checked back in to Select Server; you will have to repeat this process again.


See Also

Bentley AutoPIPE