E2164-15: Qualified stress for all bend and tee components should be greater than zero error message

Applies To
Environment: N/A
Area: Analysis
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Nov. 2016


The following message is posted in model consistency check report:

* * * E R R O R - MODEL * * *
E2164-15: Qualified stress for all bend and tee components should be greater than zero.
Please enter qualified stress for all bend and tee components.

Why and how to fix it?


Qualified stress is used in the ISO 14692 piping code. This field is set to 0.0 by default. Entering a value in this field is mandatory for Bends and Tees. Qualified stress equations can be found in section 7.8 of the ISO 14692 code book. For convenience this information is also posted in the AutoPIPE Help. 

This message is posted when the piping code is set to ISO 14692 and a bend or tee Qualified Stress values are blank or set to 0.00. Again, the qualified stress has to be entered for each Bend or Tee in the model.

Steps to Repeat:

  1. Open a model where Piping Code = ISO 14692
  2. Insert a pipe run Dx = 5000mm
  3. Insert a pipe run Dy = 5000mm
  4. Go back to the previous point and select Modify > Convert point to> Bend
  5. Create a Model Consistency Check report
  6. Note error message is present


Fillet welded branch limits of d <= 2 inches and d/D <= 1/10 are exceeded at tee point


Modify each Bend or Tee so the Qualified Stress value are greater than 0.00. This modification can be done by

A.  On the Bend or Tee tab of the Input Grid, double click on the Qualified Stress column to order all value in chronological order, find all fields that are blank and update them accordingly.  


B. By opening the Bend or Tee dialog for each bend / tee that are affected, and manually inputting a value for the qualified stress. 


See Also

E156-38: Value must be greater than zero error message

Error Messages

Bentley AutoPIPE