13. How is the Ec/Eh ratio applied for ASME B31.1 but not for B31.3 when using AutoPIPE?

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Area: Results
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
March. 2017


Explain how the Ec/Eh ratio is applied for ASME B31.1?  

It is there by default in ASME NB, but not B31.3, why?


Modulus ratio is (Ec/Eh) is optional for B31.3 under Model Result Option “Apply modulus ratio” and is unchecked by default. This option allows the calculated displacement stresses to be multiplied by the ratio of the cold elastic modulus to the hot elastic modulus per ASME B31.3 code para. 319.2.2(b)(4).

(4) variation of piping material or temperature in

a line. When differences in the elastic modulus within

a piping system will significantly affect the stress distribution,

the resulting displacement stresses shall be computed

based on the actual elastic moduli at the respective

operating temperatures for each segment in the system

and then multiplied by the ratio of the elastic modulus

at ambient temperature to the modulus used in the analysis

for each segment.

So this option becomes mandatory only when the condition “When differences in the elastic modulus within a piping system will significantly affect the stress distribution” becomes true for B31.3 piping. Therefore, sensible to keep this optional and unchecked by default for B31.3.

See Also

ASME B31.3 Piping Code Calculation Issues

Bentley AutoPIPE