08. Does AutoPIPE check branch connection reinforcement area per ASME B31.3, para. 304.3.3?

Applies To
Area: Analysis 
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
May. 2016


Does AutoPIPE check branch connection reinforcement area per ASME B31.3, para. 304.3.3? 

If not how can the statement at the end of the output report  ("The system satisfies ASME B31.3 (xxxx) code requirements" be true?


Most Pipe stress applications  (i.e. AutoPIPE and others) does not perform the reinforcement requirement calculations as provided under 304.3. AutoPIPE is a pipe stress analysis application, and when it mentions "The system satisfies ASME B31.3 (xxxx) code requirements” it is specifically directed at satisfing the code requirements for B31.3,  Meaning that it is referring to the stress calculation categories (along with stress intensification factors calculations) as provided by the selected piping code.

There is a note in AutoPIPE help which states that reinforcement calculations are not performed for some codes. However, it is not specifically mentioned in ASME B31.3 section.

The following enhancement has been logged:

TFS-E101299:- CAE-CR-1054: Check branch connection reinforcement area per B31.3, para. 304.3.3

One last comment, "Use corroded thickness in all analyses" under Edit Model Options could be something that the user could be interested in?

See Also

ASME B31.3 Piping Code Calculation Issues

Bentley AutoPIPE