"Error Opening file: xxxx.L001" message in AutoPIPE

Applies To
Environment: N/A
Area: Message
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


The following is displayed when entering data into the Soil calculator:

Bentley AutoPIPE
Error opening file: 3D-ALL-P-400 LOOP.L001.
Please contact Bentley Technical Support.

Why and how to avoid it?


This may be related to another issue likeĀ E801-1: FATAL ERROR: Unstable System error message.

Perform the following::

1. All workarounds on E801-1 WIKI page.

2. Delete all analysis

Now, re-analyze the model.

If this does not resolve the issue, please log a Bentley Service Request and send in an AutoPIPE APC file for review.

See Also

"Bentley AutoPIPE" Messages

Bentley AutoPIPE