01. How to model branch piping and connect to an existing node point on a header pipe?

Applies To
Environment: N/A
Area: Modeling
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group


Modeling a pipe line starting a new segment at the Point location as shown in the image below. What options are their to model this branch and to connect it to an existing header node point.


There are a number of modeling techniques, however suggest using one of the 3 techniques: 

Option 1.

If you already know the distance measurements from the header to the point location, model starting at the header progressing to the point location.

You can then always use, Edit> Segment> Reverse> to reverse the node number sequence.

Option 2.

Start a new segment anywhere in the model space and model from the "POINT" progressing towards the header. Use Cut / Paste commands to Cut the newly created segment from the model (base point  = node point on new segment to be connected to the header pipe). Then select the Header pipe node point where the pipe segment is to be connected too, start the the Paste command, Edit> Paste> "Connect to selected points", and complete the paste command.

Option 3.

If you know the coordinates of the "POINT" relative to a header node point or any other modeled node point:

a. Start a new segment, Insert> Segment> using the "Offset from which point" as a reference to establish the "POINT" location

b. Enter offset DX, DY, DZ values as needed to construct the pipe

c. Connect the last part of the new segment back to an existing point on the header by using these steps outlined here,

See Also

Model Different Types of PIPING Routings (i.e. By-Pass, Join 2 pipe runs, etc..)

Bentley AutoPIPE