Applies To | |
Product(s): | AutoPIPE |
Version(s): | ALL; |
Environment: | N/A |
Area: | License |
Original Author: | Bentley Technical Support Group |
Date Logged & Current Version | July. 2017 |
The following message appeared when when activating the license for AutoPIPE:
Why and how to avoid it?
This generic message occurred because of a problem with trying to communicate from the computer to the server location. There could be any number of reasons causing this message to be displayed. Try each of the following suggestions below:
When entering the Server name and Site Activation key in the respective fields confirm that there are no extra spaces before or after the typed information:
Example: Arrow in image below is pointing to an extra space that should be removed.
Start by placing the cursor at the beginning of the server name, then press the DEL keyboard key to confirm no space(s) are present. Keep pressing DEL key until first character was deleted then use undo command one time so first character of server name reappears.
Next, place cursor at the end of the server name and press Back keyboard key to confirm no space(s) are present. Keep pressing Back key until last character was deleted, then use undo command one time so last character of server name reappears.
Repeat process above on the Site Activation Key field.
The Server name and Site Activation key need to be entered exactly as it appears on your Bentley communication document. If there is a single wrong type character or space the Test connection button will fail. Confirm every character in each field is 100% correct.
Default Hosted Server Name =
A Hosted SelectSERVER or Deployed SelectSERVER would only be available through a valid internet / intranet connection. If the connection is not working then a message would be displayed when pressing the Test connection, OK, or Apply button. Confirm computer connection to the internet / intranet. Perform a test, open the following web site:
Firewalls vary from site to site and are managed by your internal support team. It is not prudent to attempt to list all of the possible firewall developers and provided explicit details on their configurations. The rule of thumb is to have your internal support team make exceptions to the listed sites if there is a communication issue to the Bentley backend servers.
The LMT has a section for proxy configurations that can be brought into the mix if necessary. With LMT opened, from the menu at the top select TOOLS >OPTIONS
Then select the Proxy Configuration tab. The proxy information specific to your site can be entered here.
The LMT does not decide how your proxy functions. We are just providing parameters to allow the application to function within and through your network topology and environment. If there is some internal issue that still does not allow the application to function through the environment you can also create PROXY EXCEPTIONS for the Bentley sites defined about. They are all necessary for proper communication and maintenance of the SELECTServer application.
Please note that Bentley recommends that you configure using the DNS names. Due to global policies the IP address may vary due to location and can change because of backend load balancing. This information is not visible or editable by you. Using the DNS name allows your environment to adjust to any network adjustments implemented by Bentley's internal support networking team.
Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is the secure version of HTTP, the protocol over which data is sent between your browser and the website that you are connected to. The 'S' at the end of HTTPS stands for 'Secure'. It means all communications between your browser and the website are encrypted. HTTPS is often used to protect highly confidential online transactions
Important, ONLY enable this feature if your company uses this otherwise leave it unchecked.
There are rare occasions that Bentley SelectSERVER status may be offline. This type of event should only be for a short period of time. Contact Bentley Systems license department to confirm Bentley SelectSERVER status.
Corporate Headquarters
685 Stockton Drive
Exton, PA 19341, United States
1-800-BENTLEY (1-800-236-8539)
Outside the United States +1 610-458-5000
see Bentley Phone Queue listing for more details when calling
If after trying all the solutions above do not allow LMT to connect to the Hosted / Deployed SelectSERVER then perform the following.
step #1: Close all AutoPIPE products.
Step #2. Open LMT
Step #3: Select Tools> Options> select Error Logging tab:
a. Confirm Enable logging is checked ON.
b. Use Change button to place log in easy to find location (example: user desktop/ new folder)
c. Confirm All boxes are checked ON.
d. Press OK button
step #4: Start AutoPIPE
Step #5: Now Close AutoPIPE
Step #6: Open LMT, select Tools> Options> select Error Logging tab and Uncheck "Enable Logging".
Step #7: Close LMT, goto folder location where log file was saved to and send "licdebug.log" file for review.
"License Management Tool" Messages