ASME B31.4 Piping Code Calculation Issues

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Comment, Questions, and Answers about ASME B31.4 code calculations in AutoPIPE

Item #1: How to calculate the allowable expansion stress for ASME B31.4 Ed. 2012 in AutoPIPE?

Item #2: For ASME B31.4, why are the fields "Use nominal thickness" and "Use nom. Thk. for Hoop" unchecked in AutoPIPE V8i

Item #3: Using AutoPIPE V8i, with ASME B31.4, what is the difference between the 2 settings for restrained soil analysis?

Item #4: When analyzing a model per ASME B31.4 should there be a warning displayed if "Use rest. Long. Code eq" is unchecked in AutoPIPE?

Item #5: How to correctly consider Von Mises (maximum distortion energy theory) in an AutoPIPE combination?

Item #6: In AutoPIPE, request an option to choose Von Mises criterion or Tresca criteria since ASME B31.4-2012 admits to use both.

Item #7: Why is the code allowable for ASME B31.4 - 2012 different from B31.4-2009 for Stresses Due to Sustained Loads?

Item #8: In B31.4, Table 403.3.1.1, no stress is mandatory for slurry lines except Pressure stress. How it is taken care for slurry line in b31.4 and AutoPIPE? 

Item #9: How to calculate Equivalent Tensile Stress per ASME B31.4 (2006) 419.4(b) and ASME B31.4 (2009 and onwards) . 402.7) using maximum shear stress theory (Tresca stresses) which includes bending, torsion and shear stresses.

Item #10: Using ASME B31.4 2012, why are all of the reported longitudinal stress values are 0.00 in AutoPIPE reports an exported MDB files?

See Also

Piping Code Calculations

Bentley AutoPIPE