03. What indices value is correct in ASME NC 2007 vs 2011a codes when using AutoPIPE?

Applies To
Environment: N/A
Area: Piping Codes
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Dec. 2016


What indices value is correct in ASME NC 2007 vs 2011a codes when using AutoPIPE?


from FIG. NC-3673.2(B)-1. One of the equations used in the AutoPIPE Code Effective Date 2007 edition uses the constant from 2011a version

From ASME 2007:

X=1.3 - 0.0006(Do/tn)

From ASME NC 2011a and subsequent years reads:

X=1.3 - 0.006(Do/tn)

Which is correct ?


Until stated otherwise, information written in the Piping code is correct. In this case the code has clearly written the equations:   

ASME NC 2007 Reads:

X=1.3 – 0.0006(Do/tn)

ASME NC 2011a and subsequent years reads:

X=1.3 – 0.006(Do/tn)

AutoPIPE indices calculations takes a more conservative approach and uses 0.006 for 2007 edition and later. Again, this is the more conservative option that is hard coded into the program and cannot be changed by the user. 

See Also


Bentley AutoPIPE