13. How to see non-code information on Code combinations using AutoPIPE?

Applies To
Environment: N/A
Area: Combination 
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Nov. 2015


In many cases it is not possible to read/ display information for code combination e.g.

- All global forces and moments
- General pipe stress
- Displacements

Is it possible to do it?


Yes and No.

At this time it is a manual process. 

With a given model open, create an output report with Analysis Summary sub report check box enabled (checked On). This report will contain a subsection called "CODE COMPLIANCE COMBINATIONS " 

Note: Common Abbreviations :

(SUS) - Maximum sustained stresses (all sustained cases)

(EXP) - Maximum thermal stress (all thermal cases)

(LONG) - Maximum Longitudinal pressure stress (all pressure cases)

(HOOP) - Maximum Hoop pressure stress (all pressure cases)

Here is the trick, when possible recreate these Code combinations as Non-Code combinations. 

Open the combinations dialog and select the Non-Code combination tab, and add a new combination with the appropriate settings as required to match the Code combinations as shown in the report. 

There are going to be some combinations that can not be re-created. For example, common abbreviation load cases list above are not available as a load case on the Non-code combination tab. Therefore any combination that uses one of these abbreviated load cases will not be able to be re-created.    

See Also

"Code Comb" tab Questions

Bentley AutoPIPE