11. Code combinations do not appear the same in 2 different models that are identical: Equiv1: GRT1

Applies To
Environment: N/A
Area: Combinations
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
July 2015


Code combinations do not appear the same: Equiv1: GRT1 vs Equiv1 ( see images below): 

The results appear to be different too.

Why? and how to fix it?


On AutoPIPE's combinations dialog, select the Code Comb. tab and press "Reset default combinations" to populate the dialog with the default combinations. Do this for each model where this issue occurs and now both models will have the same combinations and the results should match exactly.

Important piece in puzzle is how did the combination get to this stage of Equiv1. It seems that for the second model, a person had only access to the model *.DAT file and not all the files created by the program. When the *.DAT file was opened without access to the original *.CMB file, the analysis generated a new *.CMB that did not match the first one. Using the procedure above fixes this issue.


1. The best approach when sending a file to another person, use AutoPIPE to create an *APC file. See AutoPIPE help for details on this format and feature. Doing so will avoid issues as mentioned above and many more.

2. Verify version in use. If using a Hot fix version (i.e. AutoPIPE V8i - hot fix 2), be sure to update to the next full version when available (ex AutoPIPE V8i or higher). Hot fix versions are to address immediate issue with the current release but has not undergone a complete QA&R review. That is why Bentley recommends to users with hot fix versions to update as soon as possible from a Hot fix version to the Next commercial release when available. 

See Also

"Code Comb" tab Questions

Bentley AutoPIPE