11. How to apply more than one hydro-test analysis sets with different settings to an AutoPIPE model

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, V8i, CONNECT;
Environment: N/A
Area: Analysis
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
May. 2016


AutoPIPE allows the creation of two hydrotest static analysis sets by pressing on the Hydrotest button and selecting "New Hydrotest loadset" setting multiple times.

However, when two hydrotest sets have been created, selecting Hydrotest>Hydrotest Load Properties and changing the pressure and/or temperature causes the changes to be applied to both sets, not just the one selected.  The effect is only one set of Hydrotest conditions can be applied.

How to apply more than one hydro-test analysis sets with different settings to an AutoPIPE model? 


Correct, AutoPIPE allows the creation of two hydrotest static analysis sets. Pressing the Hydrotest button and selecting "New Hydrotest loadset" setting a 3rd time will display the following:

Bentley AutoPIPE
Only upto two hydrotest loadsets are allowed in the model.

Also correct that the Hydrotest Load Properties remain the same between the 2 hydro-test analysis sets, this is by design. Making changes to the Hydrotest load properties will display the following message:

Bentley AutoPIPE
All hydrotest loadcases have been updated.

However the user is able to change the following settings per each analysis sets as desired:

A new enhancement has been logged to allow different Hydro-test Load Properties per analysis set (TFS-439172) 

See Also

"Hydrotest" - AutoPIPE Load Case

Bentley AutoPIPE

External Links

Bentley Technical Support KnowledgeBase

Bentley LEARN Server

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