m. Mule Ear Return or Plug Headers - Modeling Approaches, Tips, Techniques used in AutoPIPE

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, V8i 
Environment: N/A
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Mar. 2015


How to model Mule Ear Return or Plug Headers in AutoPIPE?


These fittings are either welded or rolled onto the end of two parallel pipe segments in order to create one continuous coil. The plugs within the cast header could be moved to facilitate the use of high pressure water jet, necessary to remove a portion of the hardened coke, enabling flow of either steam or mechanical decoking pigs. 


 Suggested modeling approach:

a. Insert pipe run to the 1st fitting Welded / Rolled connection point:

b. Insert 1st bend at the correct location:

c. Insert 2nd bend at the correct location:

d. Insert pipe run to the 2nd fitting Welded / Rolled connection point:

e. Select all the pipe runs and bends that comprise the fitting and use "Rigid Options over Range" command where:

set "Include Weight" option to disabled

set "Include Thermal Expansion" option to enabled

f. Final step is to account for the weight of the fitting. Choose one of the following methods:

1. Insert Weight at CG of fitting. 

example: From B01, the CG was found to be located Dx= 0.00 ft, Dy = +0.75 ft, Dz = -0.82', this weight was added with the Insert Additional Weight command:


2. Spread the total Weight of the fitting over the entire length of the fitting using Insert "Distributed Load" command.

g. Final AutoPIPE model should appear like this:

See Also

Bentley AutoPIPE

External Links

Bentley Technical Support KnowledgeBase

Bentley LEARN Server

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