03. Model Response Spectrum on nuclear containment that is filled with water in AutoPIPE?

Applies To
Version(s):2004, XM, V8i 
Environment: N/A
Original Author:Bentley Technical Support Group
Date Logged
& Current Version
Jan 2015


In a nuclear power plant, the containment building is filled with water, how to apply Response Spectra Earthquake and its affects of water in the building to the piping model in AutoPIPE? 


 Suggestion is to correctly apply the following 3 items to the piping model:

A.     Insert> Xtra Data> Hydrodynamic Data 

B.     Load Buoyancy

C.     Load Response Spectra

It will be important to include added mass coefficient (Ca). This will impact the calculated frequencies for modal analysis, which in turn will be used in the Response Spectrum analysis.

The user will have to come up with an approximation of what type of hydrodynamic loading (waves) may be generated by the seismic activity. This again will then need to be incorporated in the model using the Wave loading. Buoyancy loading will need to be applied separately to calculate the lift forces.

See Also

Bentley AutoPIPE

External Links

Bentley Technical Support KnowledgeBase

Bentley LEARN Server

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