AutoPIPE 06.03.05 (April 11, 2003)
- European piping code standard EN 13480-2002
- ASME Code Update - ASME B31.3-2002 edition
- ASME Code Update - ASME B31.8a-2000 addenda
- ASME Code Update - ASME BPV-III-1-NC-2001 edition
- ASME Code Update - ASME BPV-III-1-ND-2001 edition
- Update CSA-Z662 piping code (Oil and Gas pipeline systems) to 1999 edition
- Edit length field when modifying run, bend or tee point
- Increase number of spring hanger ranges from 4 to 5
- Added variable spring supports from British manufacturer QPS
- Added HYDRA variable spring supports from German manufacture Witzenmann
- Added Bergen-Power variable catalog 2V spring supports
- Added Grinnell hanger ranges triple & quadruple and sizes 00 & 000
- Added hanger data from Mitsubishi, NHK, Sanwa Tekki & Yamashita
- Updated Lisega hanger data to Standard Supports 2010 Catalog (10/2001)
- Option to specify relative offset of equipment suction or discharge nozzle
- Option to delete rotating equipment data
- Option to delete wave loading data
- Added new sub-reports to model input list report
- Added flange and valve DIN pressure ratings for 6, 64, 100, 160, 250, 320 & 400
- Added ANSI B16.5a-1998, Group 1.15 to the ANSI flange material library
- Updated hardware security to software security (RSSL/PSCM)
System Requirements
Platform: AutoPIPE is designed to run on the following platforms/operating systems. At a minimum, your computer should meet the requirements for that system; for example, the amount of RAM required by AutoPIPE depends on the RAM requirements of the environment in which you will be working:
- Windows XP
- Windows 2000
- Windows NT 4.0
- Windows 98 (2nd edition)
Hard disk space: Approximately 52 MB
RAM: minimum 128 MB
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