ProjectWise 365 Documents Storage Connections

To create a Connection using files stored in ProjectWise 365 Documents, click on the three dots on the desired iModel and select Connections.

If this is the first time you access Connections for this iModel, click on the Create Connection button.

If you have already created Connections, you will see the list of available Connections. Select the New button to create a new one.

To create a Connection, you must follow 5 steps.

           1. Select the storage area where you store your design files.

    1. In this case ProjectWise 365 Documents.

    2.  2. Select the design files that will be part of the Design Review.

    3. You can select multiple files, from different folders and different design file formats (.dgn, .dwg, .rvt, .ifc, .vue, .nwd, etc)

               3. The 3rd step is to specify the file that defines the geographic coordinate system.


               4. For each file that will be part of the Design Review you can select the processor. Using the correct processor will ensure that all the elements in the Design Review will have the correct attributes assigned in the design application.

    You can select one processor for each file or you can select several files, click on the Edith icon and select a processor for all those files.

    Dgn files can be processed as MicroStation, Bentley Civil, OpenBuilding or Prostructures files.

    Dwg files can be processed as DWG, Civil3D, AvevaPID or AutoPlant files.


                5. The last step is to give the connection a Name and define the synchronization schedule. If you wish to synchronize manually, just select None.


    Once the connection is created, you just need to Synchronize the data.

    The dialog box will show the synchronization Status. Once it finishes, it will show the details of the synchronization for each file. If there are any Issues, you can click on More and see what was the problem.

    Once the Synchronization is done, you can open the iModel and start the Design Review