Cannot Select 'From' and 'To' Drainage Structures for a Drainage Profile

 Applies To 
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Drainage
 Original Author:Chris Key, Bentley Technical Support Group










When using the Evaluation > Profile > Create Profile command and running a Drainage Profile, the selection of drainage structures through Source > Network > 'From:' and 'To:' is not picking some structures that are in the database.  It is displaying a message of 'Structure not in Database', however the Edit/Review works as it should.  Why is it not picking certain structures to include in the network Source?


When selecting structures for the Drainage Profile 'From' and 'To' structures, it is selecting graphics in the DGN which contain civil tags such as the drainage ID .  It is possible to have graphics displayed for the drainage structures, but they may not have the correct drainage tags and information to specify it is a drainage structure and it is selecting a normal MicroStation graphic.  Display the drainage structures through Drainage > View > Drainage and include all the structures.  Now the program should be able to recognize the structure and select it for the drainage profile source elements.

If the drainage structure name is known, it can be entered into this field by typing as well.  Users have the option to select a structure through the selector button or by typing in the name of the structure in the field.