SELECTserver Nutzungsgebühr - Usage Fee


The Get Current report can be used by CSS accounts to track the Personas that will incur the SELECTserver Usage fee in each quarter. Only usage that will incur a fee are included in the report. Usage that is eligible to incur a fee are the older application versions that are pre-SES, which continue to utilize SELECTserver. Please be aware that SES versions of applications are not synonymous with a Connected User. A user may log into the Connection Client, but still use old application versions. Please see the Maintaining Your Licenses and Support FAQ for additional information about upgrading to Subscription Entitlement Service. The report is updated nightly and only available for quarters in which the fee is applicable, which begins with Quarter 1 of 2021. 

In the event a Persona has usage across multiple countries in a single quarter, the report will select a single country to receive the SELECTserver usage fee. The country selected will be the last country name, when sorted alphabetically. For example, if a user has usage in both CA and US, US will be selected for the fee. However, other reports will still maintain the original Usage Country of CA.


Benutzer mit folgenden Rechten können auf den Bericht zugreifen: 


  1. Go to the Subscription Analytics
  2. Click on SELECTserver Usage Fee







Usage Quarter

Usage Quarter in YYYYQ format. One quarter must be selected at a time. Only quarters in which the fee applies are present.


Product with ProductID


The IMS user email address if the user is Connected*, or Machine name if the user is Not Connected.

Connection Status

Indicates if the machine has gone through the process to become Connected


Layout - Personas

A KPI that shows the number of personas who generated usage that has incurred the SELECTserver Usage fee in the selected Usage Quarter to date.

Layout - Quarter Trend

The number of personas who generated usage incurring SELECTServer Usage Fee in each Usage Quarter. All Usage Quarters that the fee applies to are present.



Usage Quarter

Usage Quarter in YYYYQ format. Only quarters in which the fee applies are present.


The IMS user email address if the user is Connected*, or Machine name if the user is Not Connected, that generated usage incurring SELECTServer Usage Fee in the Usage Quarter

Layout - Custom Chart

A bar chart that tracks Personas incurring the SELECTServer Usage fee. The X axis can be toggled between Country and Connection Status




The IMS user email address if the user is Connected*, or Machine name if the user is Not Connected, that generated usage incurring SELECTServer Usage Fee in the Usage Quarter



Connection Status

Indicates if the machine has gone through the process to become Connected

Layout - Details

Details of every product usage that contributed to the SELECTServer Usage Fee. The "Show Allocation Group Details" toggle will show and hide the Allocation Group column and a distribution of the number of Personas across Allocation Groups. Keep in mind that depending on how your Allocation Groups are configured, a Persona could potentially appear in multiple Allocation Groups. Because of this, the Fee is never applied to an Allocation Group directly.



Allocation Group

Use the Show Allocation Group Details to toggle this on and off. 


CountryISO where the usage took place


Parent product name that was used

Usage Date

UTC Date on which the usage took place.


The IMS user email address if the user is Connected*, or Machine name if the user is Not Connected.

Machine Name

Windows NT name

Connection Status

Indicates if the machine has gone through the process to become Connected

Original Product

Product name that was used


Version that was used

*Wenn die Persona "Verbunden" und das Land "DE" ist, wird aufgrund lokaler Vorschriften als Persona die IMS-ID und nicht die IMS-E-Mail-Adresse angezeigt.

Anderssprachige Quellen
