Gateway startet nicht - Value cannot be null



Das SELECTserver Gateway lässt sich nicht starten.

In der Logdatei SELECTserver Gateway exe.log erscheinen folgende Fehler:

02-30-16 09:36:30 ERROR - Gateway - Error checking SELECTserver version
02-30-16 09:36:30 ERROR - Gateway - System.ArgumentNullException: Value cannot be null.
Parameter name: hostname


User Access Control (UAC)

UAC enables users to perform common tasks as non-administrators, and as administrators without having to switch users, log off, or use Run As. Unlike previous versions of Windows, when an administrator logs on to a computer running with a UAC, the user's full administrator access token is split into two access tokens: a full administrator access token and a standard user access token. When logging in full administrative status is not generated. View the link below for further details on this action. A pitfall of this action is that user information is kept under the specific user's login section and tracked in the registry under HKEY_CURRENT _USER. When installing the Gateway (or any Bentley application for that matter) be sure to right click on the executable and use the RUN AS ADMINISTRATOR option. This will direct the registry information to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section in the registry. Now go to the install of the SELECTserver gateway x.\program files\bentley\selectserver and view the PROPERTIES of the LIcensetool.exe. Choose the COMPATIBILITY tab, find the Privilege Level section and check the Run this program as an administrator dialog box. This will ensure that upon any restart the status of the Gateway will be tracked in the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE section in the registry.


Die Arbeitsschritte:

1) In einem temporären Verzeichis das Gateway in der Version für 32- oder 64-bit Rechner herunterladen.

2) Führen Sie die Instlallationsdatei im Verzeichnis C:\BentleyDownloads aus.
3) Diesen Ordner öffnen, einen Rechtsklick auf exe-Datei machen, die Option “Als Administrator ausführen” (RUN AS ADMINSTRATOR) wählen und den Installationsanweisungen folgen.
4) Nach der Installation das Verzeichnis ...\program files\bentley\selectserver öffnen und einen Rechtsklick auf licensetool.exe machen.
5) Unter „Eigenschaften” (PROPERTIES) > Kompatibilität (COMPATIBILITY) die Option “Als Administrator ausführen” aktivieren.
6) Nun über Windows Start > Programme > Bentley > SELECTserver den Lizenzmanager starten.

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