Keine Antwort vom V8-Lizenzserver - Heartbeat / Memory


Es erscheint die Meldung, dass keine Anwort vom Lizenzserver kommt.

5.) No response from license server......unable to send heartbeat
Attempting to free already freed memory....


Diese Meldung erscheint während MicroStation gestartet ist und bedeutet, dass keine Verbindung mehr zum Lizenzserver besteht.

1. The Bentley LMServer service may have been stopped or the server may have gone off-line.

Make sure the Bentley LMServer service is started.

For Windows 2000 or XP:

6. Choose Start > Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Services

7. Double-click Bentley LMServer to display it's properties box.

8. Under Startup type choose Automatic

9. Click the Start button to start the service

10. Click Ok

For Windows NT:

5. Choose Control Panel > Services and highlight Bentley LMServer

6. Click the Startup button

7. Choose Automatic, click Ok

8. Click the Start button - the LMServer service should start

For a Windows 95/98 computer acting as the server:

4. From a DOS command prompt go to the selectserver directory

5. Type the following command: lmserver -console

6. You must leave the DOS command prompt running, but the window can be minimized.


2. The SELECTserver license file may have expired. Check the lmdebug log in the SELECTserver directory. If it indicates the license has expired, obtain a new license from the Bentley Administration Center.


3. There could be a network issue with routing, DNS, or WINS or the server has two network adapters. A workaround for this issue is to add the server's IP address in the lmserver.inf file found in the SELECTserver directory.


Example from the lmserver.inf file


# LMServer IP Address

# - If the computer you're running LMServer

# has more than one network card in it, the

# application may send the clients the "wrong"

# IP address.

# If this is the case, you can tell the application

# exactly which IP address to use by uncommenting

# and filling out the following line:



Remove the pound sign and replace the with your server's IP address. For example: SERVER_IP = Then stop and restart the Bentley LMServer service.

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