Site Modeler is Missing from Menu

 Applies To 
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Site Modeler
 Original Author:Jacquelyn Pettus, Bentley Technical Support Group








Problem Description

The Site Modeler tools are not available on the InRoads menu.


Site Modeler is now an Application Add-In that will need to be enabled to be accessible.  To enable Site Modeler, go to Tools > Application Add-ins.  Toggle on the Site Modeler Add-In.  Site Modeler will now be available in the InRoads menu.

If you would like for Site Modeler to remain enabled each time you launch the product, you will need to set it to persist.  To do this, in Tools > Application Add-ins, enable the Variable Manager:

Then go to Tools > Variable Manager and enable the option "Persist Site Modeler Addin":