InRoads - View Stationing Preferences between XM to V8i

 Applies To 
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Tools
 Original Author:Chris Key, Bentley Technical Support Group









When moving from InRoads XM to InRoads V8i, there appears to be some issues with the preferences for a few View Geometry commands.  This is mostly seen with the View Stationing command which makes the stationing annotation leaders incorrect and places them in odd directions.


When we upgraded from InRoads XM to InRoads V8i, there were a select few commands they upgraded to match the
tree view format.  These commands include (View Closed Areas, Stationing, Station Offset Annotation, Curve Set Annotation, Vertical Change in Plan, and Switch Height Plan.)  So, what happened is some of the options in the  command were altered on how they control the display (i.e., there used to be offsets you could specify in the command, but they removed those to make ALL commands follow the same rules and have the Text Symbology control the offsets).   Then another part that was an issue is the leader lines that were set up before, don’t both carry over exactly.  So, what you have to do is recreate these preferences to make them look correct. 

To rebuild the preferences, you can build upon the preferences you have and make minor tweaks. The problem areas with the new command preferences are orientation, leader lines, and offsets. With some preferences, you may not have the minor stations turned on to label in XM, but when loaded in v8i the minor stations ARE turned on to display.  


Steps to Accomplish

Station Offset Annotation:

Set it to only display Station, Offset, and Elevation and no Leaders as it does in XM.  The Leaders are turned on with the conversion to V8i. 


View Stationing:

*The orientation of the cardinal station text had to be rotated 180 degrees and the justification had to be changed from Left Top to Right Bottom to match the preferences from XM.

*Minor Station label had to be turned off.

*Leader segment 2 had to be turned off.

*Leader Segment 1 needed an angle of 90 degrees to match the perpendicular orientation in XM.

*PI station label had to be turned off.