Create/Edit Alignment by Cogo Points - Point Name Not Found

 Applies To 
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Geometry
 Original Author:Jacquelyn Pettus, Bentley Technical Support Group








Error or Warning Message

Point name not found.


When attempting to create an alignment using the syntax "1 S2 3 C4R 5 S6 7 8", error message "point name not found" is returned.


By default the variable Alphanumeric Point Names is checked off on the Variable Manager. When it is checked off, Create/Edit Alignment by Cogo Points uses the legacy syntax (1 S2 3 C4R 5 S6 7 8).  When the variable Alphanumeric Point Names is checked on, Create/Edit Alignment by Cogo Points uses a new syntax (1 <SPI> 2 3 <CPR> 4 5 <SPI> 6 7 8). The new syntax uses the following special delimiters:

The new syntax has the following limitations: