How do I Interface with Micro Drainage from Storm & Sanitary?

 Applies To 
 Product(s):InRoads Storm & Sanitary
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Drainage
 Original Author:Jacquelyn Pettus, Bentley Technical Support Group










I understand that InRoads Storm & Sanitary has the ability to import/export data from/to Micro Drainage, but I cannot find the commands.  Where are those tools located?


The Micro Drainage commands allow you to do the following:

To display the Micro Drainage commands, do the following:

  1. Click Tools > Drainage > Menus.

  2. Click the Micro Drainage check box to toggle it on (a check mark appears in the box).

  3. Click Apply.

The Micro Drainage commands can now be found at: