How to bring MX Drainage Data into Bentley Navigator

 Applies To 
 Product(s):Bentley MXROAD
 Environment: N/A
 Area: Drainage Design
 Subarea: N/A
 Original Author:Jason Walsh, Bentley Technical Support Group









With more companies using Bentley Navigator it is important for users to be able to bring their project data (i.e. MX Drainage Design) into the software. As well as the CAD element data users also require to be able to interrogate the intelligence (meta data) behind the elements.

The steps below explain the process of how to do this with an MX Drainage Design.

Steps to Accomplish

  1. When you have finished the drainage design in MX send the design to the DGN as Microstation Solids.

  2. Select the options you require from the Display Solids panel.

  3. In the DGN you will now have the MX Drainage Design as Microstation elements with the MX drainage meta data included in the elements.

  4. You can export the DGN to an i-model (File>Publish i-model) for loading into Bentley Navigator.

See Also

MX TechNotes And FAQs